The Black Mamba...sad to hear that this snake has taken another life. Some secrets one should be aware of. Few people are aware of the hidden dangers when encountering one of Africa's deadliest but yet shy snake.
To start with, Black Mamba's are most likely the only snake in Africa that will attack you to defend himself. In plain simple words...he might be shy but if you surprise him....expect retaliation from a snake that moves quicker than you can think.
The most important aspect to keep in mind and I always follow the Golden Rule....has the snake been provoked or injured. In both cases a Black Mamba will not even try your luck.
Simple....follow the Golden Rule and do not take any situation for granted. Slowly back of and get out of its way. Safest option.
Black Mamba's attack with one third of their bodies raised of the ground. In most cases they will bite you in the chest area. They bite and bite again injecting you with deadly poison (neurotoxin) and the word says it all, your nervous system is neutralised.
To get to a hospital can be the biggest issue...30 minutes if you are lucky.
My best advice...if somebody was bitten by a Black Mamba....only CPR can give you an extended chance to get to hospital.
Stay clear of them....avoid them....rather go play with a Lion....your chance of survival is better.
Had my fair share of encounters. Have seen them attack my car. If my window was open?
Why did he attack my car. The answer...the guy before me tried to run over him and injured the snake. I was the lucky guy to be next.
Follow the Golden Rule....
Courtesy of Jaco van Deventer