Randy F
AH legend
I’ll bet they were hot. I’ll bet it was worth it though. I wonder how scarred up those things were by the end of their career. It would be interesting to know how many times they were saved by those shrouds.Snakes really scare me and thats the reason I wear longs on a hunt, not just the flimsy things, but the heavier canvas ones. Stats show that the vast majority of bites in the bush are to the ankle or lower leg. If you must wear shorts, consider puttees as they did in the old days. Here in the police in the old days they wore leather calf shrouds, must have been hellish hot though.
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I’ve never been scared of snakes but if you want to see how fast I can run and how many walls I can break through, just dangle a spider in front of me. You won’t hear me scream though, only a dog would be able to hear that high of a pitch.