One also finds quite a few pre-war German drillings with the rIfle caliber in 5.6x52r. For a roe deer it would be fine. For a red stag - not so much.
Sir , are roe deer similar to our kakar deer ... in size ?One also finds quite a few pre-war German drillings with the rIfle caliber in 5.6x52r. For a roe deer it would be fine. For a red stag - not so much.
One also finds quite a few pre-war German drillings with the rifle caliber in 5.6x52R. For a roe deer it would be fine......
Good day , Dinosaur . During my 10 year career as a professional shikaree ... I have had the good fortune , to have clients bring BOTH the Savage Model 99 AND double barreled rifles ... Which were chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed .
How ever , the double barreled rifles were ALL built by John Rigby & Co .
I must give you a word of warning , how ever . Yes , Reverend Caldwell ( Author of " The Blue Tiger " ) DID dispatch 1 tiger with a Savage Model 99 ... Which was chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed . How ever , what most people do not know , is :
> He only killed 1 tiger with this calibre .
> The tiger was an Oriental tiger , which is FAR lighter than a royal Bengal tiger ( Royal Bengal tigers weigh 500 pounds . Oriental tigers weigh only 400 pounds ) .
> His shot was able to dispatch the tiger ... Only because he shot it in the stomach , and it's stomach was FULL of food ( A half digested mongrel ) . The resulting explosion of gases in the brute's stomach ... Was what killed it .
And yes . Karamojo Bell writes about witnessing a gentle man lay low 23 African buffaloes ... With a Savage Model 99 , which was chambered in 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed . How ever , what most people do not know is :
> The buffalo , which were dispatched ... Were West African forest buffalo . These are the smallest species of African buffalo . FAR smaller than a Cape buffalo .
> The herd was full of females and immature bulls . Not large fully mature West African forest buffalo bulls .
> The shooter wounded all of the animals with lung shots . When the buffaloes saw blood on the other buffaloes ... They went insane ( Like all bovines do , when they see the colour red ) and began to gore the wounded buffaloes to death . The shooter simply kept wounding each member of the herd , with lung shots . By the time the last few buffaloes were left standing ... They were SO weakened by blood loss ( From the lung shots and also from getting wounded by the other members of the herd ) , that finishing them off ... Became a straight forward affair .
To conclude ... The 5.6 × 52 mm Rimmed is NOT a dangerous game calibre !
Or slightly better: 7.62x53R, which is almost identical but uses the 'western standard' .308 bullets.×53mmRI've often speculated that the Russian 7.62x54R round would have made a batter double rifle cartridge than its actual role in bolts and MGs. A nice rimmed cartridge with a body taper that seems just right for the job.
Or slightly better: 7.62x53R, which is almost identical but uses the 'western standard' .308 bullets.×53mmR
Actually, I've been thinking that a single shot kipplaufbüchse in 7.62x53R would be good.
One step further, 9,3x53R, and you have the perfect "Hirvenkivääri"
The season may be closed but the planning and scouting are year round activities.Define small bore?
My one and only double is 9.3x74r. I sure plan on taking it deer hunting this year.Yeah, that's like 5 months away but still!
Does anyone still mess with the 9.3x72R? It is pretty hard to find an example of one that is not in an old drilling.
@HWL does your daughter still have that 6.5x75r double? Does she use it regularly? For what game? It has got to be a handy rifle with no kick.
A 6.5x57R little double is on my short list to buy one day.