Shipping - Delta or Turkish?


AH veteran
Jun 23, 2018
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I have a crate of PG coming into Houston from RSA. No DG, swine, or primates, if that matters. Shipper is asking if I will prefer to use Delta or Turkish airlines. Any pros or cons to either?
I have had good luck with Turkish. Delta could srew up the Lord's Prayer and does regularly.
A draw back to Turkish airlines is your crate may be off loaded in Istanbul and sit in a warehouse and build up a lot of storage fees before being loaded on the flight to the states. Where will they be coming into? If Turkish doesn’t serve your closest port of entry you may have more transportation costs as well. I’ve used both and I’ve been lucky and haven’t had any trouble with either.
With Turkish Airlines, if your crate is not cleared quickly, and it sits in their US warehouse, you will be paying something along the lines of $120.00 per day. I don't believe you get charged while in transit. My warehouse fees were $1200.00, because my crate sat in their warehouse for 10 days, and Coppersmith who claimed had a bonded warehouse didn't do anything about it. Not happy with how Coppersmith handled my shipment.
Turkish has very high storage fees and they charge by crate size. I just paid $2600 for 4 days of storage which is more than my clearance and trucking charges from the port to my home.
You get charged from the time the plane lands until it is able to move to a bonded warehouse. In my case it was four days due to usda and fish and wildlife having to inspect it first. Normally they can move it to ex bond warehouse pretty quick but mine landed on Saturday of the Memorial Day weekend. It also had a rhino horn and skull in it so it had a security tag and had to be inspected first.
but still that is crazy storage for just 4 days
my crate sat in Turkey for about for about 10 days before flying to Chicago and was not charged any storage then when it hit Chicago was told by Coppersmiths it would cost 348.00 per day while waiting on Agriculture to clear it after the first free day. it was in storage for a week and happily I was only charged 390.00 for storage then Coppersmiths got it in their warehouse while waiting on Customs and Fish and Game with no storage fee, but since any Big 5 have to fly Turkish Airlines there will not be any more shipments. did a shipment 2 years ago with Delt and was great with no extra fees going thru Atlanta to Chicago
I have had a shipment by Turkish, it did not accrue storage in IST. Fortunately, coppersmith in Chicago was able to get the crate before a large US storage fee. From what I am hearing DFW and Turkish are getting outrageous storage fees. I have not heard about any other ports of entry. I am having my Zambia shipped by Ethiopian and Forward Air to DFW as the customs brokers said not to use Turkish to DFW because of the outrageous storage fees at DFW. She said to expect $1500 minimum storage at DFW.
My shipment came in through Atlanta. Maybe shipping with Ethiopian is the answer.
I have had a shipment by Turkish, it did not accrue storage in IST. Fortunately, coppersmith in Chicago was able to get the crate before a large US storage fee. From what I am hearing DFW and Turkish are getting outrageous storage fees. I have not heard about any other ports of entry. I am having my Zambia shipped by Ethiopian and Forward Air to DFW as the customs brokers said not to use Turkish to DFW because of the outrageous storage fees at DFW. She said to expect $1500 minimum storage at DFW.
I hope you post your costs on your shipment with weights and dimensions and how everything went with Ethiopian thanks
My shipment came in through Atlanta. Maybe shipping with Ethiopian is the answer.
could you post the info as to the weight of the crate and the dimensions and where it was shipped from

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?