Please keep in mind there is plenty of science to this, but also a lot of religion.
Roy Weatherby Church Says - Speed Kills. Faster is better. (Answer to me - Hydrostatic killing effect with special bullets at very high speeds will work. It has to be VERY fast to work correctly and that means that it has to be VERY close. 340 weatherby at 75 yards would be an example of this) Light for caliber bullets are a long range sacrament in this church. High BCs are another sacrament. Sister churches that are welcome into this congregation would be the WSM, Ultramags and other related denominations.
Swedish Church of 6.5x55 Says - Bullets should hit between 1900-2400fps. It avoids glancing deflection. It extends "hang time" in the animal transferring more energy. It alleviates the common risk of over penetration and pass through without transfer of all the bullet's energy. Heavy for caliber bullets is a sacrament. Controlled expansion is a rite. Sister churches that pray at this congregation are .260 remington, 7x57, 6.5x54MS and a wide variety of other well known characters.
Often times you can buy factory loads or handload a gun so it is welcome in either church. (e.g. .375HH can switch hit, 30-06 too)
@Red Leg is my ideological first cousin he is saying some of the same things, albeit in a more articulate fashion. He is coming at the problem from the Swedish Church Hymnal and both of us are thinking of how to stick a bullet in at a known velocity and distance for optimal expansion. Having the bullet blow out the other side every time is anathema to our doctrines and using a 350 yard gun at 80 yards requires a confessional.
Now let us pray / prey for others.
P.S. - Would love to have another thread to describe why Roy Weatherby is a heathen that has led the flock astray from the one true load!