Excellent Dave....... I ran into some issues with eyesight last May. I have Macular Degeneration in both eyes, get injections every two months. Last May, my Right eye started leaking, causing a gray blind spot in center of vision. It has cleared a good bit since, and I keep hoping, but I have not been able to see crosshairs in a scope since, and I can't see irons at all, or red dots or anything else. And damn I just can't learn to shoot left handed, my coordination is horrible and left right hand do not know what to do on the wrong side.......I have been experimenting with green lasers, and that has been successful very short range, 25 yds, and of course lasers have disadvantages outdoors, so somewhat limited. I can do some research on certain things with the lasers, so not totally out of the picture just yet. Of course handguns are easy, lasers, and for irons I can use the left eye no issues. This is not the first time with a leak and blind spot, but always in the past they cleared up completely within a couple of months...... we keep hoping this will clear as well, eventually.
Just before going completely WOKE, Nikon decided the "African" with the buffalo caps was just too much, so they stopped that, and just called it a Monarch, same scope, I have many of both. The big broad German Crosshairs is the one you want for Dangerous Game, quick to pick up, and easy to see. The BDC one is smaller crosshairs and not as easy to pick up, I have one that is tiny even in comparison to the normal BDC...... not sure what that is about. Keep looking, they will pop up on occasion, snatch it up if you can........ Also I have some of the shotgun Nikon scopes as well and they do very well in that role too........