SCI Questions and Suggestions - Make Them Here!

@billc @Rock375 @Mike70560

Gents, I get this a lot, but the fact of the matter is it is indeed member show, and I have said many times, if you own a firearm you should be a member of the NRA, and if you hunt regardless of species you should be a member of SCI. If you attend DSC, join DSC! Be part of the organization as there is strength in numbers. Why wouldn't you join the groups that are fighting for your rights? The memberships dues aren’t insurmountable. Mike, the last few years have been a big change in the organization as I agree that we need to run it like a business and I know we have made great progress and you will continue to see us make more progress. the old adage of being a good ole boys club is simply a hangover from years past. There has been so much turnover on the board in the last years that most of the folks from the past wouldn’t even recognize the board. Ask your fellow chapter members two of them are board members and can attest to this first hand.
Sorry all I have to run, but I will try to get back on this weekend
Thanks for coming back and posting.

I know you are busy with life and work, but if you could check in every month or two it would be great!
Agreed with the above.
Hello all, just stopping in to say hi and check and posts I need to reply to. Hope everyone is well and wish you all a great weekend.

Good Hunting, Paul
Hi Paul,

I would like to ask, about various European SCI chapters:
Do they have periodic conventions, and which European chapters organize conventions? And when?

I tried looking their web sites, but not much info on that!

One more question:
Is there a Balkan SCI chapter - no info in public on that?

Hello all, just stopping in to say hi and check and posts I need to reply to. Hope everyone is well and wish you all a great weekend.

Good Hunting, Paul

Morning Paul.

I have a question regarding you being on the NRA, B.O.D. My perception about the current wrath of criticism all of us and SCI are facing, can you fulfill your Presidency responsibilities satisfactorily and B.O.D. responsibilities, parallel with one another, without either suffering? No idea what the NRA time expectations are.

I did 11 years on the board of the Phoenix Chapter. Although we were simply a local chapter, I wouldn't have wanted to add to what was on our plate at certain times of the year. There were many times we were not busy, but others, like preparing for fundraisers, trophy room tours, meeting with the many Arizona, Indian Nation Game Department heads (My task) attending AZGFD Commission meetings.

Seems like a rather full plate.


This comment has to do with the convention.
I attended in both Vegas and Reno. The one major thing that I did not like about the Reno one was the lack of benches/chairs/seating in the whole place!! I mentioned this to the SCI booth and was told 1) the area is smaller 2) it is up to the people at Reno to do so 3) no room.
I feel is not all true. The area may be smaller and it certainly is more cut up without a good flow with all the divided areas compared to Vegas BUT 1) it may be up to the reno people but we are paying for the use of the place and could/should ask/require that they provide more places to sit scattered all thru the areas 2) I saw complete outer edge walls in some rooms that were bare of anything which would have been a good place for benches. They could but more benches in the main walkways in the exhibits like Vegas.
This is even more important if you look at the age group that was attending especially the first couple days...…..note it was older people. Many of them cannot stay on their feet for many hours anymore. I am one of them with age/bad back problems with a bunch of hardware in it/both knees need replacement/RA and cannot stay on my feet like I use to. I saw many with canes and such. I saw many(even younger people) looking and even was asked where they could find a bench to sit down and rest.

I might also remind you that more of the younger people who are working to get ahead and with a family cannot book hunts like us older and often retired people who kids have left the nest and may have a few coins in our pocket. So making it a convention a less welcoming place can reduce the amount of time we(older/partly disabled/etc) spend there if we even come in the future is counter-productive for the SCI AND Reno. I did buy a hunt while there so I am one of those that was older/retired/partly disabled that would really like to be able to enjoy the convention more and probably book hunts. I also bought books and other items. I know if I do not return until it is in Vegas it will not cause the SCI to fold but if enough people do not return it will not help the CSI or the venders.

PS---I am not ready for needing a scooter and that is also true for many of the people there so that is not an option as well as an additional cost.

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Redfishga1 wrote on gearguywb's profile.
I would be interested in the ruger if the other guy is not.
Bartbux wrote on franzfmdavis's profile.
Btw…this was Kuche….had a great time.
Sorry to see your troubles on pricing.

Happy to call you and talk about experience…I’m also a Minnesota guy.
Ready for the next hunt