AH ambassador
Big 5 if I have repeated my disappointment in SCI in several posts it's because I want to believe someone is looking out for us. I of course believe all spostman should support one or more pro hunting pro conservation groups. I've never relied on anyone to carry my weight nor do I think SCI should bear full responsibility for hunters. Maybe I've said too much on this or other subjects but my passion runs deep for the people , my dogs, and the sport I love. I've waited a very long time to be able to go on safari and as most here know that dream will be realized in several short weeks. I just want the next kid who watches the outdoor channel and reads outdoor magazines to have his dream realized someday as I have mine.Johnny, I’m not saying you should join SCI or support that organization in any way if you choose not to. You’ve made the point that SCI has failed you "miserably" and that you want no part of that organization in your last three posts. If SCI does not suit your needs or ideals when it comes to hunting that’s okay with me. SCI is obviously not a good fit for you so I certainly have no problem with it whatsoever.
However, I do believe the best way for us to support sport hunting and to protect our outdoor heritage is to join some firearms or hunting organization and to become involved. There are many options to do that at local, state, and national levels. In this day and age no sport hunter or gun enthusiast should leave it up to others to carry the load for them.
Besides SCI there are other organizations that need support through membership and more importantly through volunteering of time and effort. Some of those organizations are; the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, National Rifle Association, Dallas Safari Club, National Wild Turkey Foundation, Mule Deer Foundation, Duck’s Unlimited, Wild Sheep Foundation, Pheasants Forever, Whitetails Unlimited, Houston Safari Club, Quality Deer management Association, Quail Forever, Boone and Crockett Club or fill in the blank __________ as an organization of choice.
They can’t ALL be bad. There surely must be some supportive organization out there that is an acceptable fit with every sport and gun enthusiast.
I also feel it’s better to pitch up the ideals and benefits of a hunting organization that better suits one’s needs than to express continuing disdain for some other organization. Anti’s must love coming to sites such as this to read about our criticism of organizations that profess to support and further our sport. United we stand and divided we fall. Why give anti’s more ammunition to shoot us with?
As far as SCI dropping the ball in this instance I will agree. But as has already been mentioned by others they got blindsided along with everyone else. I cannot think of anyone who saw it coming. In any event it’s now time for SCI and other organizations to regroup.
Please do not mistake what I’ve said to mean that criticism should never be leveled at SCI or any other organization. That’s not what I’m saying. I just believe continuing in that vain can be counter productive.
Good hunting to you.