I own two of the Sauer 100 XT's, one in 6.5x55 Swede and just picked up the other last weekend in 7mm Remington Magnum. Synthetic stock version, as Adrian noted very similar to the Mauser from the one I handled.
The 6.5 Swede I've only shot at paper with a variety of factory ammo, from 140 grain to 156 grain, Hornady Superformance, Federal Powershok, Fusion, Norma and Lapua. Very satisfied with accuracy, the Hornady and Norma were capable of 1", 3 shot groups off the bench at 100 yards, none of the loads were stinkers. No feeding issues. This one will be my "poor weather" gun this deer season in Kentucky. Haven't been able to try out the 7mm RM yet, will report on that when I can. Spare mags are $50 plus shipping from Europtics. Scope mounts were spendy from Sauer for their Hexalock version but Remington 700 long action bases work, so got the Leupold offering. Hope this is helpful.