Jerome, after several frustrating attempts I got the newest version installed and all my saved places transfered onto it.
Subsiquently, I researched the G.E site and found that image clarity, detail provided and date of images is the same on all the G.E products.
G.E states that they do not own the satelites providing this information therefore the rely on providers to generate the images they use.
They also state that it makes no commercial sense for them to up-date images more frequently than they currently do but suggest that if you find you are looking at images older than 3 years you can submit a request for a possible up-date,(they may/may not provide it).
Personally, images around 3 years old are not an issue for me, but boy what I'd give to have maximum resolution at extreme magnification.
For my application the ability to be able to see relative detail at, or near, ground level would provide an incredible tool for research into unknown areas.
Still, all-in-all it's eons ahead of what we had available ten years ago !