Tom Leoni
AH fanatic
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I have just returned from an inebriating SCI show, where among other ineffable pleasures, I have scored a rifle I had ogled online for at least two years:
It's an Alex Henry falling block (circa 1885) in .450 BPE, which I'm very much planning on taking to Africa. It has all the characteristics I love in a safari rifle--classic, beautiful, British, easy-to-reload chambering... and most importantly, it's a single shot, which as I realize, it has very much become "my thing." Oh, and it fits me like a glove.
As you can see, it has no provision for sling attachments. In a brief moment of temporary insanity, I flirted with the idea of adding a pair of classic British sling eyelets, but I soon discarded this proposition as quasi-blasphemous. I don't want to alter the rifle from its original configuration--especially since, in its amazing condition, it looks like it just rolled out the Edinburgh factory.
Since in my safaris--as well as all my other hunting adventures--I have made ample use of the sling while walking, stalking, following game trails, etc., my question here is who of you have completed a safari without a sling with which to carry the rifle? And what mode of carry did you mostly employ? Port-arms, African carry (which I actually don't like for several reasons), on the shoulder...? I will be hunting in the Karoo, where it's rather thick with acacia bush.
I'd love to hear your experiences.
I have just returned from an inebriating SCI show, where among other ineffable pleasures, I have scored a rifle I had ogled online for at least two years:
It's an Alex Henry falling block (circa 1885) in .450 BPE, which I'm very much planning on taking to Africa. It has all the characteristics I love in a safari rifle--classic, beautiful, British, easy-to-reload chambering... and most importantly, it's a single shot, which as I realize, it has very much become "my thing." Oh, and it fits me like a glove.
As you can see, it has no provision for sling attachments. In a brief moment of temporary insanity, I flirted with the idea of adding a pair of classic British sling eyelets, but I soon discarded this proposition as quasi-blasphemous. I don't want to alter the rifle from its original configuration--especially since, in its amazing condition, it looks like it just rolled out the Edinburgh factory.
Since in my safaris--as well as all my other hunting adventures--I have made ample use of the sling while walking, stalking, following game trails, etc., my question here is who of you have completed a safari without a sling with which to carry the rifle? And what mode of carry did you mostly employ? Port-arms, African carry (which I actually don't like for several reasons), on the shoulder...? I will be hunting in the Karoo, where it's rather thick with acacia bush.
I'd love to hear your experiences.