SA Government Asks For Constitutional Review On Proposed Land Confiscations

This article discloses a truth about African politics - you can not interpret these events through the filter of North American race relations. When I try and explain that to friends here you can see the confusion set in. Thanks for posting.

Pheroze, you seem to get it and have hit the nail on the head.
Propaganda is a great way to sway people. Our media have mastered it. When I go to Africa, it infuriates me to see that CNN and BBC are the basic go to for information, when at restaurants, hotels, or even at lodges. Local news is a side show, just as in the USA. Half truths with old video footage as clarification for fear is the norm. Yes it is nice to be cautious, but you would be better to listen to locals, like a lot of the outfitters, over in Africa. If you are scared to go to SA because of the media, then ask the outfitter or someone on the forum how the situation is. It is just like the shootings in the US. You would think that by the media takes, that there are mass shootings everyday at every school district and that 99% of the citizens are for gun control. They even said there were 18 this year. What they forgot to tell you was most of those were not shootings but accidents( like a kindergarten kid touching a police officers gun in a class room which went off considered a near miss but still classified as a shooting). Also, their polls for gun control are all done in a studio at CNN or through the phone in Boston, Massachusetts.
All in all, don't believe the media........ Or go ahead believe them, and you can be confident that Hillary won the election.
Propaganda is a great way to sway people. Our media have mastered it. When I go to Africa, it infuriates me to see that CNN and BBC are the basic go to for information, when at restaurants, hotels, or even at lodges. Local news is a side show, just as in the USA. Half truths with old video footage as clarification for fear is the norm. Yes it is nice to be cautious, but you would be better to listen to locals, like a lot of the outfitters, over in Africa. If you are scared to go to SA because of the media, then ask the outfitter or someone on the forum how the situation is. It is just like the shootings in the US. You would think that by the media takes, that there are mass shootings everyday at every school district and that 99% of the citizens are for gun control. They even said there were 18 this year. What they forgot to tell you was most of those were not shootings but accidents( like a kindergarten kid touching a police officers gun in a class room which went off considered a near miss but still classified as a shooting). Also, their polls for gun control are all done in a studio at CNN or through the phone in Boston, Massachusetts.
All in all, don't believe the media........ Or go ahead believe them, and you can be confident that Hillary won the election.

This is me, standing and applauding you. :A Clapping:
Hey good point. If any of these guys decides to cancel out because of the land grab, instant message me. If you make me a deal on a duiker and bushpig that is!!!(y)

No cancellation needed. Drop me a message. Will take care of you in any ways. (y) Only catch is, you'll be stuck with me.
One thing that I find interesting. The same people that say the US should stay out of African wildlife issues, say that the US should involve itself in African land issues.
I just found this article on Facebook:

I enjoyed hunting in SA back in 2014 and have strived to go back ever since........I'm thinking now that I doubt that I will ever go back if this is the political climate that currently ensues. I have enough turmoil in my life that I don't need to be killed in a foreign coup. Guess I'll start looking at moose hunting in Canada again.:(

@Mr. 16 gauge While there is absolutely nothing wrong with going moose hunting in Canada, despite the political turmoil there, I think writing off RSA as a hunting destination because of the level of political turmoil at this time is way over the top. I see you are in Michigan: Should a person cancel a trip to the Michigan U.P. because of the murder rate in Detroit?
My old man used to say if I do stupid things, I'll just have to sit in my own shit (this ties in to the being taught personal responsibility, a virtue sadly lacking amongst a large part of the population, but I digress). If RSA goes through with just an inkling of this, they need to sit in their own shit like the Zimbabweans did. In the meantime, for some of the whites, there's a move afoot to come to the United States


Updated |

More than 12,000 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in South Africa emigrate to the U.S. amid a vote by the country's parliament favoring a motion that could see South Africa's constitution amended to allow for land to be stripped from owners without any compensation.

The motion, which will still need the approval of the South African Parliament's Constitutional Review Committee before an amendment can even be drafted, has once again stoked fears among the country's white farmers of a violent and disastrous land redistribution akin to that which crippled Zimbabwe in the 2000s.

The online petition calls on Trump to "take the steps necessary to initiate an emergency immigration plan allowing white Boers to come to the United States." Boer is the term used to describe South Africans of Dutch, German or Huguenot descent, who are also commonly referred to as Afrikaners.

The petition suggests that Trump should stop admitting refugees from Somalia and the Middle East, claiming they "cannot be properly vetted," and allow white South Africans into the country instead.

A similar petition, calling on European Union President Jean-Claude Juncker, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and British Prime Minister Theresa May to allow white South Africans into EU countries, has gained nearly 17,000 signatures.

The motion was put forward by the Economic Freedom Fighters and supported, but amended by the ruling African National Congress (ANC), with the party promising reforms that will address racial disparities in land ownership. Lawmakers voted overwhelmingly in favor of the move, with the motion passing 241-83.

It was a key part of recently elected President Cyril Ramaphosa's platform. Ramaphosa, who has long supported Nelson Mandela's vision for South Africa, took office last month, replacing former President Jacob Zuma.

More than two decades after white-minority rule came to an end in South Africa, most of the country's profitable farming land is owned by white residents. A recent land audit conducted by Agri SA, a South African agricultural industry association, found that white farmers still control 73 percent of the country's profitable farming land.

Agri SA expressed concerns over the parliament vote, saying that while it "fully understands the need for land reform and the frustration with the apparent slow process and is committed to orderly and sustainable land reform...politics and emotion dominated the debate."

Dan Kriek, Agri SA’s president, warned that the rights of all property owners in South Africa were at stake. He said that amending the country's constitution property clause would be a step backward into a past where the protection of property rights was not applied across the board.

Julius Malema, the leader of the EFF opposition party, which introduced the motion told parliament, told lawmakers "we must stop being cowards. We must stop working around the white minorities who are governed by the fear of the unknown when it comes to the question of land expropriation without compensation."

He said land expropriation would end disparity caused by "criminals who stole our land."

Malema also said "the time for reconciliation in South Africa "is over," reported. "Now is the time for justice," he said, adding, "We must sensure that we restore the dignity of our people without compensating the criminals who stole our land."

Malema has been a strong supporter of confiscating land from white farmers, saying in 2016 he was "not calling for the slaughter of white people–at least for now."

South African parliament members' support for land expropriation comes at a time when the Zimbabwean government has established a compensation committee under its land acquisition act to allow for former commercial farmers whose land was seized 18 years ago under Robert Mugabe to be compensated.

The move to compensate displaced farmers, led by Zimbabwe President Emmerson Mnangagwa, who was recently elected to replace Mugabe after he stepped down in November under military pressure, represents a significant departure from the approach of his predecessor.

According to the Commercial Farmers Union of Zimbabwe (CFU), more than 4,000 white farmers were affected by the often violent land reform program.

It also had disastrous consequences to the country's economy, with land reform accelerating Zimbabwe's economic decline with a collapse in farm production.

Ramaphosa has urged people in South Africa not to panic over the results of the vote.

South Africa's Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs Department echoed that sentiment in a series of tweets. "This is a serious matter. It'll be handled through dialogue and in a stable manner. No need for beating war drums and creating unnecessary panic! South Africa belongs to all who live in it!" the CGTA wrote.

"As we address the land issue, we'll ensure that equitable land is distributed to our poor people in a way that will ensure continued stability," the CGTA added.

Earlier, the department had tweeted, "Land is our heritage, our identity and essentially our dignity. We owe it to our children to dispel the myth that Africans are not interested in commercial farming."

NHTLdebate @CyrilRamaphosa Land is our heritage, our identity and essentially our dignity. We owe it to our children to dispel the myth that Africans are not interested in commercial farming

— NationalCoGTA (@NationalCoGTA) March 1, 2018
"We'll continue to help improve the lives of South Africans through making tough decisions. This is a moment where we all need to rise and tackle this issue and emerge victorious," the CGTA added, including the hashtag "#LandExpropriation."

Despite the South African government's assurances, creators of the petition demanding that Trump admit white South Africans into the U.S. as refugees claim land expropriation will "dispossess whites of their history, culture, farms, property and jobs, will inevitably lead to a complete genocide of South Africa's white population" if the U.S. does not "intercede."

In October last year, thousands of predominantly white protesters took to the streets throughout South Africa to protest a string of deadly attacks in rural areas of the country. Protesters claimed that farmers were more likely to be murdered than the average South African, with some claiming that the attacks were racially motivated.

An investigation by the BBC last November determined that the claim that farmers are more likely to be murdered than the average South African "is not supported by reliable data."

The BBC found that farm murders in South Africa are at their highest level since 2010-11. The country's police service says 74 people were murdered on farms between April 2016 and March 2017, compared with 58 in the previous year. Those numbers, however, reflect the number of murdered farmers, farmworkers and visitors to farms regardless of race, the BBC notes.

The land expropriation motion is set to be put before Parliament's Constitutional Review Committee for review. South Africa's Parliament has given it until August 30 to come to a decision.

It is unclear where people who are signing the petitions on are based.

A spokesperson for told Newsweek it would look into whether the petitions violate any company policies and whether the website plans to take any action. The website later added a note stating it had "received flags from some users that facts contained in this petition may be contested," adding: "You may consider researching this issue before signing or sharing."

An earlier version of this story cited reports that South Africa's Parliament voted in favor of land expropriation, but did not state that the motion still requires approval from the South African Parliament's Constitutional Review Committee. This story has also been updated to include comments from
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I had to...
Couldn’t resist any longer!
That idea of having four wives is not going to work out to well. Even in the US you would be living in proverty if you had that many. Is this actually legal there? I always noticed that in RSA there was always a lot of people doing nothing.

I was in Jo'burg for 8 days in February on business.

As I was walking into our global HQ I noticed there was some work being done on the landscaping.

I kid you not (I counted) there were two people working and 11 standing around doing nothing.

Human capital is very cheap in SA, and the government wants jobs! So this is what you get.

We get requests from the Mother Ship to perform all sorts of meaningless analysis. They still haven't figured out (after 16 years) that we in the States are not staffed like SA!

If you spend money on a wheelbarrow it's getting used. Efficiency be damned.
They should look to the damaged economy and disparate conditions that this approach brought to Zimbabwe.
Another sad situation. A lot of misguiding it sounds like to me. Guess we’ll see what happens.
Sad situation ? No sir, it's stupidity and corruption at its finest.
Stupidity in that in every African country where this was done before, the results were the same. In this case, as all the others, South African people will starve themselves. J'berg is already running out of water, so compound the issue.
Those in power obviously covet property owned by landowners, so instead of buying it, they'll steal it. Corruption by majority vote.
But wait ! It's going to get better . . .
It is no secret that ALL the world's fiat currencies are going to crash.
In the U.S., the dollar is really all but worthless. The petrodollar is dead. The gold backed yuan is making serious inroads. The U.S. must go to a gold backed currency soon.
China has a strong foothold in Namibia right now and it's getting bigger.
As China expands it's influence and power and it's driving desire to control the world's electrical vehicle market, China is looking at S.A. with lust. China needs the rich minerals and resources of S.A., so when S.A. falls, China looking to assist a fellow BRICS nation will step in. Of course their military will join to ensure China's investment. South Africa will loose itself through its shortsighted greed.
Instead of working together, they will divide and fall.
As I see it.

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Trogon wrote on Mac Baren's profile.
@Mac Baren, I live central to city of Cincinnati. I have work travel early this week but could hopefully meet later this week (with no schedule changes). What area of town are you working/staying in?
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