Sheaffer pen and Esterbrook pen I used in school in the ‘50s. K&E slide rule I used in college in the ‘60s. 1937 Red Ryder Daisey BB gun. ‘50s Howdy Doody puppet that scares my grandkids and their friends (they say it looks like “Chucky who ever that is). Ruark’s “The Old Man and the Boy” which is the first book and first of Ruark’s I ever read. Hamilton pocket watch from my grandad who got it while working for the Cotton Belt railroad in Waco, TX. 1881 silver dollar I found crawling under my weekend home (old rectory house) in Leadville, CO. Swing arm drafting machine from the navigator’s seat in the B-17 my dad helped design the tooling to build at Consolidated.
Hmmm...maybe I should get rid of some stuff. At least that’s what the wifey says.
Hmmm...maybe I should get rid of some stuff. At least that’s what the wifey says.