I looked at D'Arcy Echols a couple of years ago and spoke with Reto about one year ago. Prices from both are well above the price for the Heym from Ralf Martini, which was priced in Canadian dollars, not US dollars. The Canadian dollar is roughly 0.6x - 0.7x a US dollar with the current exchange rate. D'Arcy's quote was significantly above the price of the Heym.
I've owned several customs through the years and sold all of them due to poor long-term reliability or poor accuracy, except for the ones built by Sterling Davenport. His work is absolute perfection, extreme accuracy, reliable function, and beautiful. Here is my .308 he built. It also is the most accurate rifle I have ever owned including customs I used for long range competition long ago.
View attachment 569649
This is a three shot group at 100 yards.
View attachment 569650