Since I began messing around with firearms, (starting about 1969) I've probably owned a couple hundred of them (but, not all at once.)
Most were surplus military rifles, various mass produced hunting rifles and mass produced shotguns plus, a few muzzle loaders and a decent selection of various handguns.
I even bought a sub machine gun once (Sten Gun and a Dillon progressive machine to load for it).
Fast forward to now:
Since becoming interested with hunting in Africa, I have steadily sold off most of my firearms, to pay for my trips over there.
Not that more than just a handful of my former guns were anything to write home about in the first place.
But, virtually none of them depreciated in value and some fetched me a decent profit over what I had paid for them (especially that Sten Gun).
That being said, I formerly had owned 4 double rifles and one very fine Parker 12 bore shotgun.
1. Merkel .375 SxS that I had claw mounted with a Leupold 2.5 power scope.
And, I shot 9 critters in Africa with same (antelopes and warthog).
2. Army & Navy .450 No2 NE hammer gun, also a SxS that, I shot a buffalo plus, so called plains game with.
3. Henry Atkin SxS .275 NE flanged (7x57R) that I killed many DPT (dangerous paper targets) with but no real animals.
4. Heym 88B SxS .458 Winchester, again very effective against paper targets in my own personal experiences with it but, no animals.
5. Parker VH model 12 gauge, (smokeless/nitro, not Damascus), made around 1900 that, had later been professionally restored by Delgreco, including restocked with very fancy walnut.
That shotgun fit me extremely well but like all the rest, I sold it to help pay my multiple safari bills.
It was choked right barrel imp cylinder and left barrel modified.
With it I shot many pheasant, chukar and a few ducks (with bismuth shot for the ducks).
Perhaps someday I will have another double rifle, perhaps not, who knows.
However, one fine day I will indeed have another decent shotgun that, will fit me and have decent ancestry as well.
I'm fond of side by sides, such as many Parkers, and some LC Smiths, AH Fox, etc., etc., very much especially fond of most Linders I've seen ..... and some English guns but, not so much their common straight stocked ones (I favor the Prince of Wales grip, with 2 & 1/2" drop at the heel).
Could be happy with the right pre-war Merkel O/U but prefer the SxS types mentioned, if I may be so bold.
Anyway, if any burglar is reading this, please do drop into pick over my few clunkers that I have left these days.
Your reception will be fast and loud.