I take an oily rag. Covered all issues thus far.
Spare sear springs? Going to replace them in the field? Rather amazing you can find ready made ones for that gun, much less change them out in the bush. Most shotgun springs, particularly leaf springs, require some custom fitting even on a mass production gun. I have shot with folks for a lot of years but have yet to meet someone who carries a replacement set. I do know three or four shooters with Westley Richards drop locks, but those guns have complete, pre-fitted, replacement locks.
Well... When I'm hunting Nilgai or Boars in Kuch Bihar and Uttar Pradesh ( Yes , some states in India HAVE legalized hunting again . Well , at least these two animals , anyway , on account of crop damage ) , l always do bring a kit of sorts with me , since you have no access to gun stores which sell imported guns or their parts in India ( only disgusting Indian Pot Metal guns) . I bring a spare firing pin for my Winchester Model 70 in .375 HH Magnum and spare sear springs for my BRNO Full choke Over under 12 gauge shotgun., And of course , my own Ammunition ( you can only bring two guns and 250 rounds of Ammunition total ) . And cleaning tools. And a Scope
Spare sear springs? Going to replace them in the field? Rather amazing you can find ready made ones for that gun, much less change them out in the bush. Most shotgun springs, particularly leaf springs, require some custom fitting even on a mass production gun. I have shot with folks for a lot of years but have yet to meet someone who carries a replacement set. I do know three or four shooters with Westley Richards drop locks, but those guns have complete, pre-fitted, replacement locks.