Rifle Cases & Custom Cut Foam

@Philip Glass - I was just thinking about you wanting to take soft cases inside the Pelican. What if you got the custom foam for the bottom and took the top foam out and substituted your soft cases?
Foam arrived today. Looks and feels amazing. The foam is very dense PE foam and appears to be cut with a laser it's so sharp. Beautiful work.
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Fit is very good as well. There is a little play, but nothing to be concerned about. The team at GunFoam added some relief cuts around the wrist of both stocks to be able to get the out more easily. I'm undecided on the orientation of the barrels, but I'm thinking I'll put the sights towards the bottom.

Total weight as seen here is 33.8 lbs.

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The (stock Pelican) corrugated foam in the top of the case pushes down slightly on the bolt handles, but not too much. It looks like a lot, but they only stick into the lid by .85" and the lid is 1.75" deep. I could have set the rifles a little deeper in the foam, but I think it will be fine.
I used Case Dealer for my most recent trip. I told them what case I had and they mailed a template. I traced my rifles and mailed the template back. Shortly thereafter, the foam arrived. Overall, I was extremely pleased. If I had it to do over, I would have omitted the hand grooves that I drew on the rifle cutouts. Like @BeeMaa reports, custom foam is not cheap but I felt well worth the price of $135.70 plus shipping ($170.90 after). In the past, I had always cut myself but being a perfectionist, it oftentimes took forever and was hard to get perfect. The Case Dealer foam is also much more rigid than the Pelican foam that came with my case. Sorry to derail but I felt was OK with the thread title.


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@JHT - That looks really nice. Well done.
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I’m using case packer and this is my first time traveling with the Blaser R8 in a pelican 1700. Since I have two R8s I would like to take them both-375H&H and 3006. However to do that I need to remove the scopes and take in my carry on. I’ve read enough posts to suggest that this could be a big hassle and could result in delays and possible missed flights etc- I really don’t want to deal with that even though tsa guidelines say scopes are acceptable. For you guys who do it routinely am I being too cautious?
On the other side I can take one R8 and then both scoped barrels and a spare trigger and bolt assembly which makes change out even easier. Your thoughts
As background I’m taking my nephews to SA for a week to hunt plains game with the 3006 and then I’m off to Zim for buff, croc and eland so the 375 will be used.
What have you Blaser guys done and what would you suggest
I’m trying to post a pic

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I’m using case packer and this is my first time traveling with the Blaser R8 in a pelican 1700. Since I have two R8s I would like to take them both-375H&H and 3006. However to do that I need to remove the scopes and take in my carry on. I’ve read enough posts to suggest that this could be a big hassle and could result in delays and possible missed flights etc- I really don’t want to deal with that even though tsa guidelines say scopes are acceptable. For you guys who do it routinely am I being too cautious?
On the other side I can take one R8 and then both scoped barrels and a spare trigger and bolt assembly which makes change out even easier. Your thoughts
As background I’m taking my nephews to SA for a week to hunt plains game with the 3006 and then I’m off to Zim for buff, croc and eland so the 375 will be used.
What have you Blaser guys done and what would you suggest
I’m trying to post a pic
First, it can be a ridiculous hassle with TSA's idiots. I came through LAX recently with a scope in my carry one and TSA freaked out. Even when I showed them their own TSA site noting that scopes are allowed in carry-on bags, they insisted on calling the airport police (who almost laughed at TSA and said nothing was wrong it it) , then threatened to revoke my Pre-Check status (for no reason since I didn't do anything wrong), spent another 20 minutes on the phone calling a supervisor (who apparently was actually knowledgeable and competent, unlike the others), and then ultimately claimed that rules must have changed recently so I was now OK to go along. But that whole thing took them 45+ minutes and made me miss my flight. Never had issues carrying on a scope with TSA in Seattle, Dallas, or San Antonio nor in Doha or Johannesburg, just the TSA Idiots in LAX.

For the rifle, unless you need to have 2 people with a rifle at same time, just take the one stock and the different bolt heads. I'm reading this thread as my setup currently is my poorly cut Pelican foam in a V700 where I have it cut to separately fit:
2 x Bolt Assemblies
3 x Blaser Barrels
1 x Suppressor
1 x Blaser Professional Stock
1 x Trigger Unit
3 x Mag Inserts
3 x VX-6HD Scopes
Blaser T-Handle and Scope Screwdriver

I want to go with a custom foam case as I think I can get all of that in to less space with more precise cuts as well as denser foam so that I need less foam between items. I can also move to having the mag inserts vertical instead of horizontal. Planning to use the GunFoam app this weekend to get pics and see how small of a case I can fit everything it.
First, it can be a ridiculous hassle with TSA's idiots. I came through LAX recently with a scope in my carry one and TSA freaked out. Even when I showed them their own TSA site noting that scopes are allowed in carry-on bags, they insisted on calling the airport police (who almost laughed at TSA and said nothing was wrong it it) , then threatened to revoke my Pre-Check status (for no reason since I didn't do anything wrong), spent another 20 minutes on the phone calling a supervisor (who apparently was actually knowledgeable and competent, unlike the others), and then ultimately claimed that rules must have changed recently so I was now OK to go along. But that whole thing took them 45+ minutes and made me miss my flight. Never had issues carrying on a scope with TSA in Seattle, Dallas, or San Antonio nor in Doha or Johannesburg, just the TSA Idiots in LAX.

For the rifle, unless you need to have 2 people with a rifle at same time, just take the one stock and the different bolt heads. I'm reading this thread as my setup currently is my poorly cut Pelican foam in a V700 where I have it cut to separately fit:
2 x Bolt Assemblies
3 x Blaser Barrels
1 x Suppressor
1 x Blaser Professional Stock
1 x Trigger Unit
3 x Mag Inserts
3 x VX-6HD Scopes
Blaser T-Handle and Scope Screwdriver

I want to go with a custom foam case as I think I can get all of that in to less space with more precise cuts as well as denser foam so that I need less foam between items. I can also move to having the mag inserts vertical instead of horizontal. Planning to use the GunFoam app this weekend to get pics and see how small of a case I can fit everything it.
I would take just one stock if it was only me hunting, but my wife will also be doing so. The fit difference between is significant...so it's two stocks.

I'm interested to see how you arrange your rifle, barrels...etc. Are you going with a new case or using the V700? Keep in mind that their cases have a couple of features that Pelican doesn't. Like spring loaded handles that fold flat when not being used and locks designed to fit flat against the case so they don't get knocked around. Little things that can make a big difference.
I’m using case packer and this is my first time traveling with the Blaser R8 in a pelican 1700. Since I have two R8s I would like to take them both-375H&H and 3006. However to do that I need to remove the scopes and take in my carry on. I’ve read enough posts to suggest that this could be a big hassle and could result in delays and possible missed flights etc- I really don’t want to deal with that even though tsa guidelines say scopes are acceptable. For you guys who do it routinely am I being too cautious?
On the other side I can take one R8 and then both scoped barrels and a spare trigger and bolt assembly which makes change out even easier. Your thoughts
As background I’m taking my nephews to SA for a week to hunt plains game with the 3006 and then I’m off to Zim for buff, croc and eland so the 375 will be used.
What have you Blaser guys done and what would you suggest
I’m trying to post a pic
Were you a Boy Scout? Or member of Special Forces? Just teasing, but I do have a couple of suggestions.

First is to not take two complete bolt assemblies, instead take just the bolt head that's inside the bolt assembly. This will allow you to take bolt assembly off your stock to give you a little more room and keep the bolt handle from protruding into the lid.

Second is the screwdriver is very nearly unnecessary, especially if you plan on taking a multi-tool. And judging by this packing job, you are taking a multi-tool.

Third is the number of magazine inserts. I assume that you have a magazine insert in the trigger assembly inside the stock. And another magazine insert in the extra trigger assembly on the left side of the case. Why is there a third magazine insert? Just an extra 375 insert for good measure?

Lastly is the second trigger assembly. Same story, no need to repeat it.

I hear arguments both ways and understand that things sometimes break. We all want to plan for every single possible issue that could arise and have a solution ready to go. The downside to this is overpacking and extra weight. It's something we all wrestle with in our own way. What to take and what to leave home. No 100% right answer either way. Obviously it's your call on these things but I do hope that you don't need any of the "extra" stuff in the case.

Secret option four - Take just one barrel. Obviously it would be the 375H&H but that would allow you more room for the redundancy that you may want. Plus you would have a little more room for things like a sling, hunting knife or mulit-tool. Let us know what you decide.
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Some outfitters get pissed if you don’t transition to a soft case if there is a last leg on a bush plane. Loaners may be there but I bring a Galco.

Case Foam is by far the most straightforward and low stress approach for the hard case foam. And I’d never rely on crushing the gun between layers of foam

With gun foam, one case, many foams for different hunts. Much more efficient
Not to derail, but I don't understand packing a soft gun case to Africa. The lodges are bound to have loners I would think. Haven't looked at my lodge's suggested packing list since they updated the website, but I don't recall seeing soft gun case on the old list. Seemed to be plenty of them in the their armory. Surely the lodges at least have enough soft cases to take care of their rentals and a few extras in case one gets damaged or lost in the field?

Of course, some guys have showpiece soft gun cases they wish to share (visually!) with other hunters. That's fine. Admittedly, a showpiece rifle might look out of place stowed in an old canvas or leather soft gun case. And who knows what kind of crappy gun cases the lodge uses for loners (turns out my lodge's loners were MUCH better quality than the ones I had at home). I'm not terribly concerned about gun case quality because my guns are tools, not showpieces.

Incidentally, my first PH told me knife would be removed from the lodge's list when it was updated (I didn't bring a knife anyway). Listing it caused too many problems with fatheads who insisted on dressing their own game. "Why would you tell me to bring a knife if I can't use it." Would be nothing on the new list about NOT bringing one but listing it as suggested implied the wrong things.

Wow. A double derailment. Very atypical for me, eh? :D
I was told to pack a soft case for travel in the bakkie.
I was told to pack a soft case for travel in the bakkie.
I guess I can understand that. Client bangs up his fancy gun and then blames it on the outfitter's soft case. I'm sure it's been attempted. The world is full of assholes. Best to anticipate and tell clients to bring their own.
Thanks for the input. I’m not taking scopes in carry on- just don’t need the potential hassle. After about a dozen layout options I’ve decided to take BeeMaa’s suggestion and only take one bolt assembly and one trigger assembly and pack the bolt head and magazine inserts separately ( the spare is for the 375 and I feel better having it along.. and if it was just me I would only take the 375 but I’m taking my nephews to SA first and they will use the 06.
I would take just one stock if it was only me hunting, but my wife will also be doing so. The fit difference between is significant...so it's two stocks.

I'm interested to see how you arrange your rifle, barrels...etc. Are you going with a new case or using the V700? Keep in mind that their cases have a couple of features that Pelican doesn't. Like spring loaded handles that fold flat when not being used and locks designed to fit flat against the case so they don't get knocked around. Little things that can make a big difference.
I'm planning to get a new case. I had a typo in my first post, its the V800 I have, not the V700. I'm hoping I can get a more compact case that can still fit in everything I want. Though I likely will only travel with 2 barrels at a time, I'd like to be able to take 3: 375 H&H, 300 WM, and 6.5 PRC.
I'm planning to get a new case. I had a typo in my first post, its the V800 I have, not the V700. I'm hoping I can get a more compact case that can still fit in everything I want. Though I likely will only travel with 2 barrels at a time, I'd like to be able to take 3: 375 H&H, 300 WM, and 6.5 PRC.
Doable with one stock and paring down what was in the picture to the minimum, although I'm not sure you will be able to fit the scopes in with the barrels. Have to play the Jenga game on the website to sort it out.

Excellent choices in caliber seeing as all of those take the MA bolt head.
Doable with one stock and paring down what was in the picture to the minimum, although I'm not sure you will be able to fit the scopes in with the barrels. Have to play the Jenga game on the website to sort it out.

Excellent choices in caliber seeing as all of those take the MA bolt head.
Yeah, the scopes are the hard part. They fit fine in the V800 and I'm about 1lb below 50lb weight limit, but I would like to have a more compact setup and I know I have wasted space in the case today.

Yup, my previous plan was 375, 30-06, and 6.5 PRC. But after one day of showing up to range with 30.06 barrel installed but with the mag bolt head installed (with no std bolt head with me), I decided to standardize on mag bolt heads. That was a waste of 30 min each way drive to the range. Won't make that mistake again.
I used Case Dealer for my most recent trip. I told them what case I had and they mailed a template. I traced my rifles and mailed the template back. Shortly thereafter, the foam arrived. Overall, I was extremely pleased. If I had it to do over, I would have omitted the hand grooves that I drew on the rifle cutouts. Like @BeeMaa reports, custom foam is not cheap but I felt well worth the price of $135.70 plus shipping ($170.90 after). In the past, I had always cut myself but being a perfectionist, it oftentimes took forever and was hard to get perfect. The Case Dealer foam is also much more rigid than the Pelican foam that came with my case. Sorry to derail but I felt was OK with the thread title.
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@BeeMaa - i very much like exactly how you positioned these rifles, the scopes have plenty of distance from the “edges” of the case...even a TSA agent would have a tough time screwing this up!
So I spent some time today using GunFoam's app and taking pics of my components. At first I couldn't figure out a way to get 3 barrels + 3 scopes in a case any smaller than my V800. Then it occurred to me to just leave the bolt assembly on the R8 in the case. With a bit of work, I came up with this design that appears to work in the 4514. The 4514 is 46.81x16.31x6.25 (17.19 lb) vs the V800 at 56.11x19.15x6.65 (19.6 lb).

From my post above listing what I had in the V800:
2 x Bolt Assemblies - Changed to one bolt assembly and additional bolt head, also left bolt assembly on stock vs its own separate cut-out
3 x Blaser Barrels
1 x Suppressor
1 x Blaser Professional Stock
1 x Trigger Unit - Kept this attached to stock instead of separate
3 x Mag Inserts - Left one in trigger unit and just 2 cutouts for additional ones
3 x VX-6HD Scopes

GunFoam Design - R8 3 Barrel.png

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID