Hello all,
I am looking for a better way to store rifle bolts and was hoping someone here has a creative space saving solution.
I take my bolts out of my rifles before putting them in a safe as to keep from getting dings as well as creating more room. So this leaves bolts laying on top of a safe and there has to be a better way to organize them.
I took a couple pieces of 1x4, built a rectangular box, drilled holes and created a holder of sorts where they lay horizontally- but it didn’t turn out that great…. Anyone know of a better option? Preferably something I could buy to solve the storage issue?
Thank you
hmm. The only time I remove bolts is when they are in transit. When in transit, I take a pair of wool socks and put one around the bolt, then the other to create a giant fluffy package out of it.
At home, I have all my guns with bolts installed, but I bought horizontal gun cabinets to display my guns so its no issue. I find safes to cause more trouble than they are worth:
Safes benefit:
Prevention of theft
Prevention of a family member using a gun improperly
Safe's negatives:
In a fire, you don't get to claim a total loss, you get a worthless gun tempered at 800F that is worthless due to a claims adjuster stating it isn't a total loss.
You have created a sweat lodge for your guns, so they are rusting and you can't see it happening to stop it with a quick wipe of oil.
You can't admire your guns.
When you go for your guns, they inevitably dent one another clanging together.
You can't get them out if you need to use them urgently.
Get gun cabinets, admire your guns, keep the bolts in them, have them insured.