Remington 7600 pump

paul, sprinter arms used to rebore 308 win m88 levers and m100 semi autos to 358 win.
could they do the same to a 30/06 up the 358 whelen.
the headspace would remain the same, as you would still be using the 30/06 chamber.
incidentally, I remember nick Harvey writing that a 30/06 with heavy bullets was very little behind a whelen.
Bruce, I appreciate your help but I don't even know if Sprinter arms still does this work.

I am less than a few weeks out from starting to hunt and I really want this gun but unfortunately what i REALLY wanted is NOT AVAILABLE.

I will compromise with a '06 and 220gn softs.
Not exactly a Whelan but it should do the job.

Thanks Remington.
Paul T, I know it is no consolation but 35 Whelens are not readily available in the States either. I looked for over a year in one of the larger gun stores in Michigan to no avail. I expanded my search and found a bolt rifle in Cabela's Gun Library. It turned out to be unfired. Remington only made the bolt rifles for one year 1988. I don't know when they made the 7600 (s) in 35 Whelen. Re. a 220 Gr bullet out of an '06 being equal to a 35 Whelen I don't think so. I'm getting 2730 FPS pushing a 225 Barnes TSX. I don't believe you are going to get anywhere near that pushing a 220 Gr. out of an '06.
Just for giggles I ran a QL analysis of a 220 Gr out of an '06 using Winchester 760 powder which is what I normally load. the results were 200 FPS slower than what I'm getting out of the Whelen with a slightly heavier bullet.
grice gun store in pa. USA has Remington 7600 carbines in 35 whelen. the sale ends april 30th. if not in stock they will take a deposit, they had a few last Saturday.

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With full barrel-length ,35 Whelens almost as rare as hens teeth I've finally settled on a factory painted camouflage 7600 in .30/06.
220gn Core-lokts should go some way in bridging the 30 to 35 cal gap and prove to be effective enough for short to medium range deer hunting needs.

Should have it in a week or two.
your 30/06 with those bullets will not be far behind the whelen.
I would put money on the fact that it would be better than a whelen using 200 gn cup and core for sambar.
it might take a 250 in the whelen to be noticeably better for your job, and that will kick more.
Bruce, I absolutely agree with your remarks, I just would have preferred a Whelen, but due to the fact that my hunting dog is nearly always close by my side I wasn't interested in the carbine version which is the only Whelens available in this platform in Aus.

T.S.E has all the re-barrelling tools and barrels to convert the 06 to Whelen and so I think i'll just use it as an 06 for this season and then get it re-barrelled to full length in Whelen over Summer when i'm not using the rifle.

We'll see how we go.

Anyway I got a great deal on a near new 7600 fully painted in camoflouge paint from the factory. Now shopping around for a 3omm 1-4 Leupold Hog plex illuminated and ill be all set.
now all you have to do is find a sambar.

Ha !, yeh no shit.

Shouldn't prove too difficult.
Lots of deer around and the dog is really starting to get the hang of things.
Up-date to an older post.

Not much hunting getting done, due to obvious reasons, but now certainly better set-up than before.
Due to having a very good mate who was in the right place at the right time, i came in to possession of my "holy grail" forest gun and so now the '06 has a stable mate.
Top is the '06 with a 1.5-4 illuminated Hog plex and below is a 22" barreled .35 with a 1-6 GPO illuminated.

Do they work for me ?

Well, during our final hunt for 2019, Penny and i were working our way through the heads of some North facing gullies when i noticed she had stopped to look down the face at something. The pumpy instantly came to my shoulder as this dingo came into view. First shot hit him between the legs as he faced me and the second behind the shoulder as he hit the ground, a split second later. My mate who was hunting with me was several hundred yards away said the shots sounded as one !!!
O.K, here's my situation.

This year is going to be our first "proper" full hunting season together.
We being Penny, my 3 y.o Drattharr and I.

We hunt heavily forested mountain terrain targeting Sambar deer (similar to Caribou in size) generally in very thick, wet conditions.
Sambar can take a good hit from smaller calibers and carry them for some distance before expiring and in the thick can be hard to find if they travel too far.

Although I have several bolt rifles in adequate calibers that have proven effective when stalking on my own I have decided to try a 7600 pump in .35 Whelan whilst hunting with Penny.

Feedback from current owners is encouraged.
I'm looking for something that can take some rough and tumble without needing to be "nursed".
The slim profile and light weight of the 7600 carbine will be much appreciated.

My quandry is that I really want the .35 Whelan chambering but it is only issued in the carbine version with a 18.5" barrel which I am concerned about the muzzle blast produced potentially near the dog.
A 22" barrel would be much better in cutting down blast.

Would you get a brand new carbine and re-barrel or buy a 30/06 chambered 7600 and re-barrel.
Does it make any difference when the magazines are generic ?

Thanks in advance.

Why not just get a 24 inch barrel 7600 Whelen to start with.
Load it with a 225 or 250 grain Woodleigh PPSP or round nose and have fun
Bob, two posts above yours is a picture of two 7600's i now have.
Top is a camo stocked 30/06 and below, black synthetic stock, is the full barrel version in .35.

Foxi, thanks yes Penny is quite a stunning little dog, my "shadow".
If i turn around too quickly i trip over her as she is ALWAYS right beside me.
Very intelligent, loyal and loves to hunt.
She was actually bred in Germany. The Mother was joined in Germany and sent to New Zealand where the pups where whelped, then 7 of the pups were sent to Australia. That is how i came upon her.
She show incredible enthusiasm hunting deer all day, up and down the mountains regardless of the weather.
She will not chase animals, and does not go beyond my sight-line.
All in all an incredible deer hunting partner.
Bob, two posts above yours is a picture of two 7600's i now have.
Top is a camo stocked 30/06 and below, black synthetic stock, is the full barrel version in .35.

Foxi, thanks yes Penny is quite a stunning little dog, my "shadow".
If i turn around too quickly i trip over her as she is ALWAYS right beside me.
Very intelligent, loyal and loves to hunt.
She was actually bred in Germany. The Mother was joined in Germany and sent to New Zealand where the pups where whelped, then 7 of the pups were sent to Australia. That is how i came upon her.
She show incredible enthusiasm hunting deer all day, up and down the mountains regardless of the weather.
She will not chase animals, and does not go beyond my sight-line.
All in all an incredible deer hunting partner.
Nothing compares to a good educated four leg hunting comrade in the woods.

To the weapon:
I don't understand why this weapon has never been accepted by our dog handlers and woundsearch specialists in Germany.
It is robust, totally safe to carry, lightning fast loaded and does not cost much.
Some prefer to carry a plastic broom like the Blaser R 93 :rolleyes:
View attachment 372172
that or a silencer ?
Beautiful Deutsch Drahthaar female you have, with a good beard.
We really have some first class males here for your four legged comrade:love:

I have a similar problem when I hunt near the house. I am thinking that a suppressor and some earmuffs might be just the ticket for my hunting buddy. Don't ask me how I got a black cat to hunt with me because I don't know. He is not afraid of gun shots and doesn't move far off at all after the shot. He stalks me and climbs up and sits with me as we wait. He has absolutely no tracking ability, purrs loudly the whole time, headbutts the rifle, and rolls around in my lap. He once thought it was an extraordinary game to hold onto the rifle as I tried to pick it up to shoot a groundhog. The most frustrating game of tug of war that I am sure would have appeared quite humorous to an observer. His short legs make it nearly impossible for him to keep up on walks and he cries loudly when left behind so I sometimes carry him. His name is Mau Mau due to his monotone voice and darned if he hasn't grown on me.
Leslie, that's a beautiful .260 you have there. Congrats.

Unfortunately, I am what we locally refer to as a bogun when it comes to guns.

Engraving. for me, is like attaching an ash-tray to a motor bike.

My intent is purely for a tool. A tool that is light and handy to carry, shoots fast in an adequate calibre and something that can take my rough usage in poor weather and rough terrain. The 7600 carries the freight and carries it well.
The criteria you describe are what my sambar rifle was.An SMLE NO4 rebarreled and chambered for the 444 marlin using 280 gn woodleigh RNSP @2,340fps. 22 inch barrel, light 8pounds loaded with sling and scope and about the same length as the 7600 carbine. It thumped the crap out if any sambar

In addition, at some point this year I will be having an ultra-light, back-packing .338 built for my fly-camping trips !!!!
Forget that and the 7600 and just get a light weight 20 inch barrel Whelen bolt action and stoke it up with 225 accubonds at 2750 fps for long range and 250 round nose at 2600fps for bush work. Will do everything the 338 will out to 350 yards and won't belt you silly.
Waiting for the barrage.
Bruce, I wont be keeping the x62mm, simply too much duplication.
(for sale now on ssaagunsales.)

I simplify identification with the projectiles.
My 9.3x64mm is exclusively loaded with T.S.X's
The Whelan, when I get it, will more than likely be loaded with Core-loks.

Saves me having to find my glasses and look at the head-stamps.

When I have the ,338 built the belt will identify it quickly.

Here's a bit more back-round to help explain my madness.

There is only one local gunsmith that I trust to work on my rifles and he has being doing so for over twenty years. Trouble is he is over and hour and a half drive from my home and difficult to reach during work days and he is not open on week-ends.

Therefore if I happen to damage a rifle it means I could be out of hunting action for weeks at a time, his waiting list can sometimes extend to several months of waiting. I simply don't want to be not hunting for that long as it could ruin a season for me.

The Rem 7600 intention is for 90% of my hunting over my gun-dog mentioned in this thread.
Should I put this gun out of action I will employ the .338 which will be light-weight, easy to carry.

The main job of the .338 is for my fly-camping trips that involve several days of back-packing in to wilderness country, glassing and sometimes shooting at distances of up to 300m.

Should I put the .338 out of action I can always employ the 9.3 for the same task as although it is heavier it will still do the job and keep me hunting whilst I wait for repairs.
That's my plan anyway.

I guess i'm almost trying to cover all bases but i'm sure Murphy will find a plan C.
Load the Whelen with Woodleigh bullets or the 225 grain accubonds.
My gunsmith is 4 hours each way but small repairs he will do while I wait. Custom work can take up to 2 years tho.
C ant understand the 338 when you will have a perfectly good Whelen.
Ask @Shootist43 about a shooting to 300 yards with the Whelen.
At the Canberra flange a few weeks back people were shooting a 6 or 8 inch gong at 300yards. They were getting little rings on the gong. The Whelen didn't make it m olive much and people thought I missed. A quick look thru the spotting scope soon confirmed 2 big 35 cal holes clean thru it, so fine to 300yards plus with a big hit still.

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I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
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