For European red deer ( Cervus Elaphus L)
CIC point scoring:
Bronze medal: 170 CIC - 189.99 CIC
Silver Medal: 190 CIC - 209.99 CIC
Gold medal: 210 CIC and up.
The strongest trophy in my Country ever recorded was 261.81 CIC.
Commercial price goes exponentially up, on top level trophy CIC points.
On economic scale "best buy" red deer should be in the level of 160 to 180 CIC points, where the trophy is not extremely strong, but it looks at least like "deer"... 8 or ten pointers with nicely developed antlers.
To give a clue of pricing, in my country, here is example on average trophy fees, other expenses excluded:
140 CIC - 810 EUR
150 CIC - 945 EUR
160 CIC - 1081 EUR
170 CIC - 1351 EUR
180 CIC - 1891 EUR
190 CIC - 2567 EUR
200 CIC - 3378 EUR (This is already price of average PG safari in namibia or RSA!!!)
210 CIC - 4324 EUR
220 CIC - 5675 EUR
230 CIC - 8378 EUR (above 230 CIC, every additional CIC point costs - 675 Eur)
Usually venison, trophy preparation - scull whitening, guide, lodging, rifle rental, etc - is not included in above price. This is only trophy fee.
I know for the cases where for the strongest trophies, full packaged prices have been in level between 20 to 30 k EUR.
If every CIC point above 230 cic is 675 EUR,
then as per this price list 260 CIC point buck would be 8738 EUR + 20,250 EUR = 28,988 EUR, only for trophy fee.
Then, when I imagine Africa... and 30k plus budget, imagine what I could get there for that money....