August 2023 - 9 PG Dip and Pack via Air Freight from Joburg to Houston cost me 1665 USD. (Skulls and skins of 2 Wildebeest, 2 Kudu, 2 Impala, Nyala, Blesbok, and a Zebra skin only). Then 1100 USD paid to customs agent to deliver to my taxidermist in Houston. Total = 2775 USD
This week I was notified 2 Chamois shoulder mounts done by a taxidermist in Italy are ready to be shipped. These will need to be cleared by a customs agent but as they are finished products they will come straight to my house. I can update this thread when I know the costs. This will be air freight.
My two cents. Costs of taxidermy these days is just something I force myself to budget into things. Airfare/Hunt/Taxidermy are the three main concepts to me. I value the mounts that much. I am trying to have at least one representative shoulder/pedestal mount of each animal, then switch to euro mounts for further trophies of that animal. Of course it does not always turn out that way, e.g. same animal but from a different country, or such as this past Fall where I was deadset on euromounting a simple Texas whitetail. Then I ended up shooting a buck with a double white patch on his neck (somewhat rare vs. the norm which is one white patch). Had to shoulder mount that one, etc... Cheers