Ready to Hunt Elephant

Right, whatever you end up doing I hope it's a wonderful experience. The ph I'm going with this summer does elephant also. If you would like I'd be glad to give you his contact info. At the least that would be one more price quote to consider.

I am out of the country with poor internet but came across this thread. I haven't had the chance to read it yet, just glance at it. If I am repeating others, I apologize.

The only technical advise I would give is buy Buzz Carlton's video on shooting elephants. A number of elephant are shot in the video with good and poor shots. Buzz breaks down the shot on the video. It is the best that I am aware of. I am sure there is a lot of great technical advise in the posts up to this point, so I won't touch on any more.

Regarding the overall experience

Very few hunters have the resources to hunt an elephant. Consider yourself blessed. This will probably be one of the pinnacles of your hunting career.

Taking an elephant is a somber and touching experience for most of us. The very best advise I can give you is when you take your elephant:

Spend time with him. Touch the skin. Examine the grain of the ivory. Look at the character in the chips and broken spots in the ivory. Think of all the branches broken, trees overturned and boulders pried loose by those tusks. Examine the ears. The tares and rips. Massive blood vesicles run through those (air conditioning systems) ears. Look at the soles of the feet and appreciate the hundreds of thousands of miles they have walked. Cut off the tail and be proud....bald or harry. Feel the grain of the skin. Think of what your new belt/boots/recliner or your wives new purse will look like with that leather. Examine the massive trunk. Feel and examine the worn molars. Look into the eyes. etc. etc. etc. Spend time with your elephant......he is YOURS! You have earned this time. This is truly a special moment. Take dozens and dozens of photos.

A good PH will let you do this and more. If the PH is pushing you for time tell him to leave you alone. This is your elephant. Cherish the moment. Shed a tear if you want.

Eat the meat every way you can. Tongue sandwiches, steak, tail soup, kabob, curried, chicken fried, biltong etc. Watch the butchering process from beginning to end. Eat the meat cooked during the processing.

Shooting an elephant is a humbling experience. Embrace the entire process from planning to end. I hope you have a blast and the time of your life.

If I can help/answer any questions, feel free to pm/call me at the end of the month. I will be back in the US the end of Feb. Not sure if this will help but this is my experience if you want to read it.

All the best.
Wheels that is some of the best advice I've ever seen posted.
Thank you Wheels. Can you tell me where to get the video you referenced? I will PM when you get back to the states end if Feb. Thanks Charlie
Thank you Royal.
:A Rock:
Right, whatever you end up doing I hope it's a wonderful experience. The ph I'm going with this summer does elephant also. If you would like I'd be glad to give you his contact info. At the least that would be one more price quote to consider.

Yes, thank you, I would.
I watched Buzz's videos 'till I had angles memorized..........

Then the damn fool Eleephant charged the instant it saw me and all that crap went right out the window and I shot right in the middle of Elephant head.........and didn't die....go figger!


I watched Buzz's videos 'till I had angles memorized..........

Then the damn fool Eleephant charged the instant it saw me and all that crap went right out the window and I shot right in the middle of Elephant head.........and didn't die....go figger!

Sh*t hitting the fan and plans going out the window seem to go well together when you discuss Elephant.
JTEX is there a post on the site detailing your hunt report? I would very much like to hear how it went. It sounds like it was fast
Folks for those of you not watching all the other posts or paying attention to Pieter I would like to announce that I have booked a fully exportable bull elephant hunt with Paw Print Safaris. The contract has been accepted and signed.......deposit has been received at Pieter's bank in South Africa. Check that part of the plan off.

I wish to thank all of the AH members who have offered advice and education thus far in the process. Please don't stop giving me advice and suggestions over the next six months. Everything offered is accepted with my thanks. Planning on going over late August and early September.

Wheels I ordered the video from Safari Press you suggested and will study it very carefully. Action Bob thank you for answering all my questions and that goes for you to JTEX.

I will no doubt start another post when time gets closer to departure. I promise an extensive hunt report!
. . . Please don't stop giving me advice and suggestions over the next six months. Everything offered is accepted with my thanks.


Okay CAustin, here's my advice; . . . 'Aim straight, squeeze the trigger, drop the bull and above all else enjoy the hunt'.

My best wishes to you for a successful hunt!
Big5 that is solid advice. The enjoyment factor will no doubt last a lifetime.
Folks for those of you not watching all the other posts or paying attention to Pieter I would like to announce that I have booked a fully exportable bull elephant hunt with Paw Print Safaris. The contract has been accepted and signed.......deposit has been received at Pieter's bank in South Africa. Check that part of the plan off.

I wish to thank all of the AH members who have offered advice and education thus far in the process. Please don't stop giving me advice and suggestions over the next six months. Everything offered is accepted with my thanks. Planning on going over late August and early September.

Wheels I ordered the video from Safari Press you suggested and will study it very carefully. Action Bob thank you for answering all my questions and that goes for you to JTEX.

I will no doubt start another post when time gets closer to departure. I promise an extensive hunt report!
Good job on selecting a hunt and committing! I am sure I will try to live vicariously through your hunt experiences. Good luck hunting, and keep us posted.
Sh*t hitting the fan and plans going out the window seem to go well together when you discuss Elephant.
There's a saying in boxing, "everyone has a plan until they get hit in the face". I believe that is as applicable to DG hunting as it is boxing.
Shout out to Wheels for giving me a call yesterday to discuss elephant hunting and the endless possibilities..
It is good to hear someone talk about their experience live if only over the phone!

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