It seems that almost all of the ads and internet sites for Blaser Dealers list only List Prices. I finally found my GO-TO Blaser dealer: Bobby at Cove Creek Outfitters ( I bought a brand new .375 H&H Blaser Barrel from Bobby in standard profile with sights for $1050 shipped to my door in three days. Also a Magnum Bolt and Bolt Holder shipped for $695. Bobby also sells a .458 Selous Safari Barrel for $2450, delivered. Hard to beat prices. J Sip & Sons wants $1000 for a barrel, $300 for sights, $75 for a sling stud and $25 for shipping. For my .375 barrel, J Sips wants $1400 shipped. Admittedly, the J Sips sights are a cut above the standard Blaser .375 sights, so there is some value added there, however, I saved $350 with Bobby and have a real Blaser Barrel. The J Sips barrels appear to be excellent however there are some differences. The J Sips uses "Tool Steel" in the area for the Blaser bolt lockup and threads their barrel into this part while it appears that the Blaser barrel is made from one piece of steel. Blaser uses a different barrel coating than J Sips, who uses cerakote. Blaser hammer forges their barrels and rifling while J Sips cuts their rifling and turns their barrels. I believe that the steel in the Blaser barrel is much harder. I say this because I had an aftermarket muzzle break installed on a Blaser Barrel in .300 WBY barrel and had to pay extra for the threading of the barrel due to the extra time and tooling it took to cut the threads. For standard barrels, I'll buy Blasers, but for a .458 or similar Selous Safari barrel with fiber optic sights, the J Sips at $1,400 shipped is much more attractive than the best price I can find (Cove Creek at $2,450 with standard sights). I just had an email exchange with Justin Sip and he is starting a batch of new barrels and he is adding one for me. Justin Sip <>