Questions regarding Hunt Size


AH senior member
Dec 28, 2018
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Vancouver, USA
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So, i am in the beginning stages of planning for my first safari.

A cape buffalo bull is #1 on my priority list and is at this stage not negotiable. I want one. I have purchased a new rifle for one :) The idea of taking one of the world meanest animals is exciting.

This however will take up 75% of my safari budget. I will only take probably 2-3 plains game animals in addition to the Buff.

There are reasons for this. #1 is budget, but more importantly I don't have a super big house to display all of this taxidermy. AND there is only a handful of plainsgame i really want to take.

My questions are these;

#1 Is it acceptable to have a small list of trophy's to go after or is everyone expected by the outfitter to go after the max list possible?

#2 is a 10 day limpopo safari too may days for a Buffalo, eland, WIldabeast /kudu list? Will i have too may days of down time at the end of the trip?

#3. Will a outfitter look down on me if i only want a Buff and say a sable package?

Is there a big push or upsell to try and get you to shoot more animals?

Id like to know experiences of people who had a small target list/budget when going to africa and how their hunt turned out.

Thanks, sean
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It is perfectly fine to shoot only the buffalo, you just need to be clear up front.

I don’t know your budget, but have you considered a remote hunt? Charlton McCallum offer very reasonably priced hunts in the Zambezi valley. There are many others but I have done that hunt and highly recommend it.
It is perfectly fine to shoot only the buffalo, you just need to be clear up front.

I don’t know your budget, but have you considered a remote hunt? Charlton McCallum offer very reasonably priced hunts in the Zambezi valley. There are many others but I have done that hunt and highly recommend it.
I have a relatively modest budget. I have to keep the animals to around $15k. The Buff is going to run $9k alone. This is because im budgeting for airfare, gun permits, import permits, Tips and taxidermy. (im doing mostly Euros to keep the cost down)
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1. Absolutely

2. 10 days is the minimum time I will spend in Africa.

It is too far a trip to barely get over jet lag and then depart. The key is to be very picky with your animals. I spent half the days of my only Limpopo hunt only willing to better the 55" kudus I already have. I never had an opportunity at a larger. In your case, perhaps look for a massive ancient eland and, assuming the property is large, walk him down rather potting him at a waterhole or after spotting him from the truck.

Every PH that I have ever known has enjoyed a very selective hunt far more than a rack and stack'em contest against time.

3. No PH would ever question such goals.

A problem on many game farms for an animal like a sable is that the owner / PH is almost certain to have a pretty clear idea which sable he wants you to take. The larger the property and sable population, the less contrived that may or may not be in actual execution. Most Limpopo farms will only have bulls. Trying to work your way into shooting position of a good bull tending a herd is a different experience.

As @WAB suggests, there are some good buffalo deals in Zim.

All that said, a buffalo and PG hunt in the Limpopo can quite rewarding. I did much the same thing a few years ago.

1. Absolutely

2. 10 days is the minimum time I will spend in Africa.

It is too far a trip to barely get over jet lag and then depart. The key is to be very picky with your animals. I spent half the days of my only Limpopo hunt only willing to better the 55" kudus I already have. I never had an opportunity at a larger. Look for a massive ancient eland and, assuming the property is large, walk him down rather potting him at a waterhole or after spotting him from the truck.

Every PH that I have ever known has enjoyed a very selective hunt far more than a rack and stack'em 10-day event.

3. No PH would ever question such goals.

A problem on many game farms for an animal like a sable is that the owner / PH is almost certainly to have a pretty clear idea which sable he wants you to take. The larger the property and sable population, the less contrived that may or may not be in actual execution. Most Limpopo farms will only have bulls. Trying to work your way into shooting position of a good bull tending a herd is a different experience.

As @WAB suggests, there are some good buffalo deals in Zim.

All that said, a buffalo and PG hunt in the Limpopo can quite rewarding. I did much the same thing a few years ago.

Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. While i only have a list of a Buff and 2-3 other animals, i want them to be good ones. I just dont know how PH's React to guys who have a small list to hunt. I dont want just a "whack and Stack" Scenario.
Hey Sean,

Most 1st timers spend 1/3 of your 15K budget & take +/- five (5) of the more plentiful & common species as they get their footing on how future trips will play-out. Others may plan a “Once in a Lifetime Trip” for personal reasons & plan a more Full Monty +/- ten (10) Plains Game or DG hit-list!

* Species. I just finished my 8th Plains Game trip this past Aug/Sept & took my 1st Buff Cow trophy … so, your hit-list of Buff Bull, possible Eland, Willy, Kudu or Buff + Sable is strong ‘out of the gate.’

* Days. Trophies can be 1st day 1st hour or last day last hour & especially IF Eland & Kudu are on your hit-list. Days can tick off fast & if you’re ahead on trophies than take afew 1/2 days off for other activities.

* Clear Communication. Operators are Proper Planners … be very clear on what you’re planning & they will enjoy helping you achieve those memories.

Happy Trails
Thanks, i want to come out with a strong list with quality trophies that is specialized to my wants/needs. I just wasnt sure if there would be a big upsell of additional animals once out in the bush.
As others have said. Just be upfront with outfitter you choose. The hunt you are doing is similar to what i did this past season and have booked for 2022.
21 days for Buff Bull and cow. Only plains game I am interested in are Bushbuck, Waterbuck and spending alot of time looking for a Blue Wildabeest in the 30 inch range and Kudu that will push the 60 inch mark. PH know this and has no problem with it. And since he doesn’t mix groups I am the only one in camp for 21 days of his season and he has no problem with it.
Thank you. You hit the nail on the head. While i only have a list of a Buff and 2-3 other animals, i want them to be good ones. I just dont know how PH's React to guys who have a small list to hunt. I dont want just a "whack and Stack" Scenario.
I took three animals in ten days, spending half the trip looking for a Nyala. Not a word of complaint from my outfitter!
I would have to agree with everyone else, take your time and be very picky but be warned once you get boots on the ground all of the choices will be overwhelming! I was very set on my animals on my first Safari and came home with a regret or two. But that was a good excuse to go back a couple of more times.
With that kinda budget, I’m killing a free range buff on a big concession in Zimbabwe. Augment it with a big warthog or impala or similar. There are reputable outfitters that I’ve hunted with offering those hunts in this site. I’ve done several plains game hunts and several huge wild Africa hunts. I enjoy them all. But for buffalo, give me wild Africa. Just my .$02, though. You’ll enjoy it either way.
So my combination possibilities are the following;

Buffalo Bull/ Kudu

Buffalo Bull / Sable

Buffalo Bull/ Eland/ Wildebeest

Any of those 3 combinations will be acceptable. No Culls but no SCI records are required. Just good representatives of the species.
As everyone has already said if you are upfront with your outfitter you’ll have a great hunt. I think you would have a better hunt like this with a smaller outfitter where you can plan exactly what you will be getting. I would focus on buffalo/eland/bushbuck for a combination hunt. Eland is a better hunt than buffalo if done correctly. Bushbuck are always a target of opportunity and not easy to hunt. The other animals are fun to hunt but they won’t be nearly the effort of an eland or bushbuck to make it a memorable hunt with such a short species list.
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Good point 375Fox, in good bushbuck country one should never pass on a good bushbuck, my opinion of course. Everyone needs to figure out what game is important to them.
You are doing a big ticket animal with the buffalo and already spending more than many who go to RSA so I wouldn’t worry about it. Do a zebra, not that expensive and the flat skin is cheap and is easily added to the shipping crate. My experience was total non pressure on additional animals after my buffalo. You gotta leave something to go back for.

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idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID
African Scenic Safaris is a Sustainable Tour Operator based in Moshi, Tanzania. Established in 2009 as a family business, the company is owned and operated entirely by locals who share the same passion for showing people the amazing country of Tanzania and providing a fantastic personalized service.
FDP wrote on dailordasailor's profile.
1200 for the 375 barrel and accessories?