I also bought some bullets from 1r4rc excellent deal and communication. After the shipment disappeared between Little Rock and Memphis for 4 days, the mail man finally delivered an empty Priority Mail box double taped in both directions with a label checked Received w/o Contents. This was inside a taped clear plastic bag that says UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE and under that in huge letters says
WE CARE. I am returning the box so that 1r4rc can determine how 4 boxes of bullets can dissapear without any evidence of the shipping box being tampered with. Anyhow without any of this description, just an email saying empty box arrived 1r4rc had refunded me in about 5 minutes. BEWARE OF POSTAL BANDITS and
thanks for AH members like 1r4rc, who even offered some of his pearsonal stash that he was going to keep; if I was in need of some for an upcoming hunt. I`m good. Thanks, Wayne