Cervus elaphus
AH fanatic
Gun grabbers of the leftists/democrats/marxists never sleep. 2A is a pushover when they can find ways to get around it. You either fight back or you will be persecuted for being a law-abiding gun owner. Get on your Congressional representative's case for starters.The BATF has proposed regulations to restrict and control 80% finished receivers, but the rules will be an effective seizure of weapons without compensation or due process. The biggest wrinkle in the proposed rules are that everyone that owns a weapon that is not serialized will have 60 days to get an FFL to etch or engrave prescribed serial numbers and will report that info to the BATF. Further, it will require an additional background check.
There are very, very few companies in America that do laser engraving of serial numbers on firearms today. Today, those companies only do such engraving BEFORE the components are finished to the level required to be considered a Firearm. They do this so they are not required to be Federally Licensed Gunsmiths under FFL rules. To become an FFL takes months, sometimes years, and requires the consent of your town's Chief Law Enforcement Officer. The net result is that every citizen with such a gun will have 60 days to find a FFL that does engraving of serial numbers and will have to pay whatever fees are required to get their personally made firearms marked, otherwise they will be required to surrender their weapons.
This is a truly dangerous gun-grab as the legislation will be impossible for most to comply with making the owners Felons or deprived of their property in the process.
It doesn't stop with AR-15s and Glocks my friends, it means every gun custom built by an individual, not for resale, for personal use since 1968 is now subject to seizure if the owner cannot get it engraved by an FFL serial number engraver within 60 days of this rule taking effect. Good luck finding that! Most people that wanted to put their name and a serial number on their guns voluntarily before it was required by law struggled to find anyone to do it within a year and any of those that did so still aren't legal because the serial numbers applied will not be valid under the new rules.
Justice Department Proposes New Regulation to Update Firearm Definitions
The Department of Justice today issued a notice of proposed rulemaking that would update the definitions of “firearm” and related parts for the first time since 1968.www.justice.gov