For a G&T I usually use 1 part Bombay Sapphire, 2 parts Fever Tonic & a big lime wedge. I always just eyeball it & enjoy it at whatever strength level its at even if I get the proportions wrong. Since I like Sapphire martinis with a twist, a strong gin drink is fine. If I'm mixing one for someone else it's about 1 part to 3 parts and then I let them ask for a stronger second drink.
Most of the gin I've been drinking lately has been
Citadelle in a
French 75 or a
Tom Collins because that's what the some of the ladies in our social group prefer. I just drink what everyone else is having since I'm often the bartender & it keeps things simple when we're all cooking a big meal.
I gave Campari a try in a couple of Negroni cocktails & I can definitely say it is not to my liking. But
vive la différence since I know it's a popular drink with some people.