My first thought was if Americans were paid a decent living wage they might be more enthusiastic, my second was that not every one is born knowing what they have to do in every occupation, that training should be provided by employers and that assimilation takes time. There are few greater time wasters than people who come into gunshops...they'll earbash the salesman/woman with their 'primal scream' even if the shop has would be buyers flowing into the street.
The third thought was how impatient you are for someone who is involved with firearms, that's a could have just shot him I suppose and demanded they make sure the next employee was a firearms expert, supporters would understand that and nod wisely....
You had the opportunity to be kindly and to take him forward, through some mentoring and blew it, If 'after one quick glance' you could tell they didn't have one then why did you waste his time or not just thank him for being caring enough to come and look even if, according to you, he should have known the stock intimately.
It was an 'outdoor store' wasn't it...not a dedicated gunshop...and even if it were,London to a brick, there's plenty you don't know also for example "Would you guys recommend contacting CZ and making it their problem? Local gunsmith? Big bore expert?"
There's no IQ level required for firearms ownership as far as I can tell even at the top, I'm not sure Charlton Heston, who was outspoken and had an arsenal was any % Einstein, so why not give people a go, or if you have knowledge which you know is absolutely true and tested, pass it on. Ray Atkinson was on the money in reply to you but I didn't see a 'Thanks Ray for intelligent thinking' anywhere on the forum.'...nice to be criticised isn't it....I wonder how you left the salesman feeling for trying to help you but failing to be a walking inventory.? The comment and its support made me wonder about whether this baronial outlook is commonplace in the NRA and SCI.....thinking about Mark Sullivan's inability to get a straight and complete answer from the SCI maybe arrogance and power through witholding information, commonplace in 'Associations"is fundamentally managerial introversion and empathy ineptitude hidden behind the barricades of words like "Safari" or "National Rifle". Voila