There are very few bad clients in the international market, all be it that sometimes the expectations might be unrealistic.... in this case myself or someone else as the outfitter should have created a different and realistic expectation, as Professional hunters we should be very flexible and adaptable...
The truth is not all clients are the same not all are serious balls to the wall safari addicts and others do not really like sitting around telling jokes and are way more serious about life..... the secret I think and this is just my opinion would be to be able to adapt to each and every clients personallity apart from just their trophy requirements.... this provides your client in the end of a safari when looking back with a complete feeling of filfillment... as you were able to provide him with great trophies an awesome hunting experience as well as being able to relate to him on a personal level.....
Making them feel like they are making your day by being there is what a client likes to feel like and not the other way around as many chip on the shoulder PH's feel....... Lets face it 80% of what we do is people relations, the hunting makes up the remainder... being able to spend 18hours and sometimes more time a day with a client for 10 - 21 days is a tall order...But I believe that as a guide if you are able to achieve this you will be awesome..
Lets face it every now and then problem pitch up on safari this is normal unexpected things happen, it is how you handle situations like these as an outfitter and as a PH that sets you apart from the rest....
This is where I frimly stand with Ole Bally large groups are difficult... No 1. Certain clients get left in the wash, they feel like a number)
No 2. The management becomes a problem... (been there done that), so what often happens is that one client is unhappy in a group of 15.... this client often leaves unhappy as his friends had a great time... and the outfitter feels ....... WELL 1 OUT OF 15 IS PRETTY GOOD......
I like couples father sons and camps with max 2 and possibly 3 PH's it just works better and clients tend to be less difficult and more HAPPY....
Just my opinion on this...
PS watch the spelling I'm on one of those horrible small computer things......
My best always