This is from my RECONX trail camera on my property in Florida. Trapped 3 large hogs last week, 2 more big boars showed up. Once I move there in a few years, I might host a few of you overpaid hillbillies to come haul these stinky things away.
I think in the future, if you don't own land, you'll have to barter, lease or pay big money to hunt.
Future generations will have to plan from an early age how to manage a mortgage, car payments, education for their children and retirement, PLUS land to hunt. Most people around the World only have one hobby, while Americans born after WWll enjoy doing a huge variety of things in a frivolous manner. Cheap disposable WalMart equipment, used once a year, then the next weekend something completely different.
The post War collection of hobbies like bass boats, Harley bikes, Golf Club Membership, vacation cruises, etc. will not be possible all at the same time. The amount of disposable income for these toys vs a mortgage is undergoing a huge change, and our hunting habits will have to change along with it.