Major Khan
AH legend
Mike , you have an extremely non judgemental and laid back approach towards others . And those are really admirable traits in a human being , these days . You genuinely have earned my highest degree of respect .Wow this crowd is pretty hard on this young guy.
He married down with Meg really. A second rate model, actor or whatever that comment was, really.
I think this bunch should take a "long" hard look in the mirror!!!!!
I am not saying she is someone l would be interested in with her views, but this BS slamming someone because you don't like something is just that. Pure BS.
I am betting if the magnifying glass was put on this bunch it would be very quiet all of a sudden.
Like l said, Meg is not someone l would be interested in, but slamming someone like this is not right.
However , please take the following in to consideration :
Great Britain ( even without Meghan Markle in the picture ) is notoriously opposed to hunting and fire arms ownership , as it is . You have tabloids , such as the " Daily Mail UK " , " The Guardian " and .... perhaps the worst of them all , " Sun UK " . These tabloids attack hunters and fire arms owners on a regular basis .
They have flat out publicly stated that they aim to " Reduce the popularity of shooting in the UK " .
They wrote some pretty disgusting things about some of our more celebrated fellow sports men ( Such as Ron Thompson & Tony Sanchez Arino ) . They paint them ( and us ) as psychopaths .
It is a disturbing fact that there are a greater number of vegetarians and vegans in Great Britain today ... than there is , in ANY other 1st world country , today . They even have a month named " Veganuary "... Where they flat out attempt to convert meat eaters in to permanent vegans every year .
The Royal family ( whether you like them or not ) remains 1 of the last bastions of pro hunting people ( of " celebrity status " ) in Great Britain . They are constantly being attacked by pressure groups , such as PETA and political parties , such as Labor party ... for this .
Prince William has also taken a direct jab from WWF on multiple occasions ... because he made comments defending hunting and talking about how trophy hunting and conservation can go hand in hand . He directly even stated on more than 1 occasion that hunting is mandatory for conservation .
Now , let us assess for a moment ... as to what happens when you add something like Meghan Markle in to the picture .
Markle , despite not being fully vegan ( yet ) champions that sick life style . She has made countless comments on social media about trying to become vegan . She has voiced a desire to raise her child to be be vegan . There have been countless independent reports of her forcing Harry to adapt a " Healthy " vegan diet . And she is vehemently opposed to hunting . It is been reported by countless media outlets .
She stopped Harry from going to Boxing Day Shoots . She alienated him from all of his hunting friends . She even condemns him for his hunting hobbies in Spain and Africa . Now , she made him sell his prized pair of James Purdey bolt rifles .
There is more than 1 documented piece of evidence which claims that Meghan does not get along with William and Kate ... because they hunt .
Now , let me explain why someone like Meghan Markle is a liability to Great Britain's ( already highly pressurized ) hunting community . Leftist media , such as Daily Mail , the Guardian and Sun UK ( take your pick ) tends to lionize Meghan for her anti hunting views . They support her and they make countless attacks on the Royal Family's hunting habits .
Again , whether or not the Royal Family are likeable people ... is moot ( to us ) . The fact that they hunt and support hunting in a country , which is getting increasingly opposed to our way of life ... makes us want to support them ( in this context , any way ) .
Now , if someone like Meghan Markle were to convince Harry ( a hunter ) to abandon hunting ... then the long term consequences of this would not be good for Great Britain's hunting community ( or rather ... what's left of it ) . She has basically domesticated him through sex .
Believe me . I am speaking from personal experience . The only thing worse for the international hunting community than vegan anti hunting people ... is actually former hunters , who END UP JOINING THE VEGAN ANTI HUNTING PEOPLE .
Why ?
Because they become the anti hunting crowd's biggest weapon to use against the hunting community . Media paints it like this , " If X can hunt for so many years and then realize that it is a barbaric sport ... then SO SHOULD YOU " ( or something to that effect ) . This has a negative effect on the hunting community . More people are indoctrinated against hunting . More pressures are put against hunting.
I still remember it as if it were yesterday .It was former hunter , Kenneth Anderson ... whose books are partially responsible for leading to the ban on all hunting in India in 1972 . His anti hunting rhetoric contributed to permanently destroying any scope of legal hunting in India .
I shall give you a more personal example . I used to work for Allwyn Cooper Limited . This was India's largest shikar outfitters at the time . We were established in 1954 and we remained India's largest shikar outfitters until 1972 . My employer was Vidya C Shukla ( He even has his own Wikipedia page ) . He used to personally love hunting ( especially royal Bengal tigers ) . However , he loved fame and power even more . When he joined Indira Gandhi's cabinet ... he suddenly became publicly out spoken against hunting , altogether . He was so influencial ... that he made countless of his supporters become anti hunters , as well .
Even after India became independent in 1947 ... Hunting remained legal in India for 24 more years . It was extremely popular . When Indira Gandhi began to form her political party towards the end of the 1960s ... it was public knowledge that she despised hunting and meat eating. This was at a time when hunting and meat eating in India ... were extremely popular things . No one cared , because we all believed that " No one should judge her for her personal beliefs " . Her political party won the elections . What happened ? Not only did she permanently ban any and all forms of hunting by 1972 ... but she and her successors ( over the years ) managed to successfully indoctrinate ALL of India's youth against hunting and meat eating . India still suffers from the effects of her actions , today . This is why I genuinely doubt that hunting can ever become legalized in India , ever again . Our youth has become completely indoctrinated against it for the last 3 generations . My generation is the last generation who actually enjoyed ANY form of hunting in India .
This is why ( and I speak from 80 years of personal experience ) ... I personally believe that people like Meghan Markle and Harry are a threat to Great Britain's hunting community . Because I have personally witnessed the exact same thing play out in India . And we all know how that ended up .
The sad thing is that ( with or without Meghan and Harry's little stunt ) I genuinely fear that the days of hunters in Great Britain are numbered , anyway .
And I only hope that Great Britain's predicament does not influence the governments of other countries to cave in to the demands of anti hunting groups , as well .
Remember , that we are ALL connected in this . The international hunting community is 1 . We are not separate in our objectives .
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