Hello Mike,
Could you elaborate on why shooting over pointers is better with an SxS? I have an O/U and never questioned about it. Better field of vision?
Classic hunting over dogs is using a SxS.
I started shotgun hunting with a single shot Hopkins and Allen 12 ga. Then bought a used Win Model 12 at the local pawn shop for $55. Never fit me, but I loved it because it was a Win Mdl 12. Traded it in for an Ithaca 37 20 ga. Shot my first perfect skeet round with it (modified choke). It took lots of cottontails, jacks, doves and quail.
Moved to Colorado and traded it for an 870 3” 12 full choke (mistake!) Got mad at my shooting one day and hacksawed the barrel to 21”. Man did that improve my hits! Shot my first sporting clays with it surprising me and everyone else by breaking 84! A couple of high class competitive shooters were surprised how quickly I could pump in another round.
Then the sporting clays bug hit and I bought a used Beretta 686. Had it fitted and commenced to only using it for everything. Great gun!
I upland hunted more and more, so I bought a SxS AyA #2 and had it fitted. Awesome to carry in the upland fields!
I traveled to Texas to visit my family and got an Arrieta 20 SxS just for quail or planted birds. Never fit me as well as the others, but a fine gun never the less.
I’ve hunted with 410, 28, 20, 16, and 12. If I did my part, they all would follow. Still a light well balanced 12 is just hard to beat for its load options and versatility.
One of the most fun guns to me is a drilling. I carried a Merkel 12x12x243 quite a bit where I surprised some coyotes standing barking at me and my GSP from just outside 12 ga range. Fun!
I do use a semi auto 3” Beretta Outlander for coyote and turkey hunting these days. It doesnt hurt as bad as my old 870.
JMO, but if a shotgun fits you, it will be deadly whether semiauto, British antique, Savage Fox, Guerini, Elsie, Boss, or what ever. Fit to hit! JMO&E