I want to let everyone here on AH know that PH, Outfitter, Friend and former AH Sponsor Pieter Erasmus has taken seriously ill. In recent months Pieter has not felt well and as some here have noted in Private Messages to me he had lost considerable weight.
I am saddened to inform everyone in this community that Pieter was taken by ambulance from his lodge near Rustenburg to Pretoria SA this past Saturday. That evening he underwent extensive abdominal surgery. Pieter remains in the hospital at this time recovering from that ordeal.
I would humbly ask that everyone who knows Pieter to keep him in your thoughts and prayers.....“ and pray one for another that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. James 5:16 (KJV)
I am in contact with Pieter’s sister and lady friend and hope to share encouraging news soon.
Thank you all in advance for thinking of and praying for Pieter. You might consider reaching out via Facebook where has has a page under his name. However, replies at this stage will doubtfully come soon.
Charlie Austin