
And what in that interview says "Nazi collaborator" to you? The fact that as a young boy he had to hide from Nazis by living with a Christian family?

At about minute 9, where is was "just a spectator" while at 14 he went with his protector who took their property. At 14 he should have been home, not out being "just a spectator". And I did not say or imply that he was a "Nazi Collaborator."
At about minute 9, where is was "just a spectator" while at 14 he went with his protector who took their property. At 14 he should have been home, not out being "just a spectator". And I did not say or imply that he was a "Nazi Collaborator."
Do you really believe that it was his choice or his desire to hide from the Nazis and to have to see the confiscation of property?
Imma be real, I'm with Saul on this one. And great puppetmasters are bad, no matter what aisle side they're on.

Also, while there is no room for Antisemitism in the 21st century, Israel deserves as much criticism as any other country IMO. No one should be considered sacred, everyone gets shit on, no exceptions, no questions asked.
A national voluntary tax boycott

Taxes aren't necessary for the Federal Government to operate. They have the Federal Reserve and they can electronically deposit funds to bank accounts as swell as print-up any amount of money desired. It's the state and local governments that will have to suspend services. So choosing to not pay taxes only hurts your neighbors and just gives the "feds" a reason to apply selective enforcement.
So he is a sinister man who works in the shadows? How about the Koch brothers?

David Koch has passed away so I assume you mean Charles Koch. I know Charles and have tremendous respect for him. He has done tremendous good for our country and the world. Comparing him to George Soros is an insult.
Army to consider changing names of forts named after Confederate generals


WASHINGTON – Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy signaled their willingness to discuss scrapping Confederate names on forts across the country, Army Col. Sunset Belinsky said Monday evening.

They are open to having a bi-partisan dialogue on the renaming bases, according to Belinsky. The Army has 10 posts named after Confederate generals across the south, including major installations at Fort Bragg in North Carolina, Fort Benning in Georgia and Fort Hood in Texas.

McCarthy, a former Army Ranger, indicated his willingness to discuss the change after weeks of protests that have spread across the country following the death of George Floyd, a black man in Minneapolis who pleaded for his life as a white police officer knelt on his neck.

The Army has resisted calls in the past to change names on the installations named after officers who rebelled and fought against the United States in the Civil War.

But times and attitudes are swiftly evolving as the nation heads into its second week of protests following Floyd's death, calls for police reforms grow and locations across the country announce plans to take down or remove Confederate memorials.

McCarthy himself and the military as a whole became embroiled in controversy surrounding police and National Guard response to protesters last week in Washington, DC. McCarthy oversees National Guard units in Washington because it does not have a governor.

U.S. is fast becoming peopled by a nation of pussified, thin skinned, ball-less, transgender, politically correct girly men. It's just plain fkn sad.
Trump has told Merkel for three years that Germany should pay it's agreed to 2% to NATO. Merkel has refused. Now it is unacceptable to drawdown. How humorous.;)

JUNE 8, 2020 / 1:51 AM / UPDATED A DAY AGO
U.S. decision to withdraw troops from Germany "unacceptable" - Merkel ally

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s coordinator for transatlantic ties has criticised U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw thousands of troops from Germany.

Trump has ordered the U.S. military to remove 9,500 troops from Germany, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.

“This is completely unacceptable, especially since nobody in Washington thought about informing its NATO ally Germany in advance,” Peter Beyer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, told the Rheinische Post newspaper.

Following Trump’s decision, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in a newspaper interview that he regretted the planned withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Germany, describing Berlin’s relationship with the United States as “complicated”.

Reporting by Michael Nienaber; Editing by Toby Chopra
Trump has told Merkel for three years that Germany should pay it's agreed to 2% to NATO. Merkel has refused. Now it is unacceptable to drawdown. How humorous.;)

JUNE 8, 2020 / 1:51 AM / UPDATED A DAY AGO
U.S. decision to withdraw troops from Germany "unacceptable" - Merkel ally

BERLIN (Reuters) - Germany’s coordinator for transatlantic ties has criticised U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to withdraw thousands of troops from Germany.

Trump has ordered the U.S. military to remove 9,500 troops from Germany, a senior U.S. official said on Friday.

“This is completely unacceptable, especially since nobody in Washington thought about informing its NATO ally Germany in advance,” Peter Beyer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservatives, told the Rheinische Post newspaper.

Following Trump’s decision, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said in a newspaper interview that he regretted the planned withdrawal of U.S. soldiers from Germany, describing Berlin’s relationship with the United States as “complicated”.

Reporting by Michael Nienaber; Editing by Toby Chopra

It isn't complicated. I'd characterize it as patron and dependent. Ironic, those that rave about German products fail to realize they're subsidizing a 35 hour work week with the option to work only 28 hours for two years to care for a family member.


© Getty Images

Last week the German metalworkers’ union, IG Metall, arguably one of the world’s most powerful unions, showed that unions have the power to shape their future workplaces.

IG Metall negotiated a precedent-setting collective-bargaining agreement that privileges working conditions over wages. It won its key demand that workers have the right to reduce their working week from 35 to 28 hours for a period of up to two years in order to care for family members.

The union refused an initial offer of a 6.8-percent wage increase in favor of a reduction in work hours and a more modest increase in wages of 4.3 percent. The new agreement establishes a precedent for unions to bargain for working hours over wages and to take an active role in shaping the conditions needed in the current and future workplace.

As the largest industrial union in Germany and the European Union, IG Metall’s agreements traditionally set trends for national bargaining in Germany as well as the rest of the continent.

By using traditional negotiations and coordinated 24-hour strikes, the union won contract coverage for 900,000 metal and electrical workers, which will most likely be extended to cover close to 3.9 million workers in the sector.


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It won its key demand that workers have the right to reduce their working week
The union refused an initial offer of a 6.8-percent wage increase in favor of a reduction in work hours. The new agreement establishes a precedent for unions to bargain for working hours over wages .

Prof. Milton Friedman discussed the concept of "backward bending supply curve" in his Price Theory class which I attended in 1976-77, the last year that he taught at U of C. At the time unions were focused on pre-tax benefits and not much thought was given to the concept that at some point time off is worth more than additional money. The union also increases its position because requiring the employer to accept reduced hours by the employees is in effect a part-time strike.

I'm still proud to have attended U of C and had classes with Profs Friedman and Becker, but from what I see on the news it's gone straight to Hell since a wanna-be law lecturer was hired.
As far as Secretary of Defenses go, I thought they could never get worse than McNamara; but this recent clown is giving him a real run for the title.
Your use of clown in this sentence implies that D.C. is not just a giant circus at this point.
Your inference is incorrect. DC is a giant circus with many acts. there are the tight-rope walkers; the acrobats riding horses and elephants, and twirling about on the trapeze. And lest I forget, there's the tiny car out of which a dozen clowns exit- just because one of the characters is referred to as a clown does not detract from the other personalities or acts as there are others that are far more insane.
When you know nothing about history................



  • EaFqTv6XYAAWYax.png
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Taxes aren't necessary for the Federal Government to operate. They have the Federal Reserve and they can electronically deposit funds to bank accounts as swell as print-up any amount of money desired. It's the state and local governments that will have to suspend services. So choosing to not pay taxes only hurts your neighbors and just gives the "feds" a reason to apply selective enforcement.
It still forces deep cuts--the only thing that brings them to the bargaining table. Someone has to pull the plug on this monster--it's like a bad B movie, only real.
When you know nothing about history................

Wheels, BLM and the antifa butt buddies, DO NOT care about the sacrifices made during ANY war that helped fight communism or slavery. They only care about perceived racism and hurt feelings. I say perceived because that is exactly what it is. These communist little bastards are using this felons death, which was wrong in my eyes (but I was not there), to do what they want as long as they want too. Riot, burn, steal, murder. Now (my favorite comedian, sarcasm intended) Tom Arnold is calling for liberal men to borrow their dads rifles and take on Trump supporters. The source is Twitter btw. I truly believe the left wants to start an unwinnable war, plain and simple. Unfortunately for them, even my most reserved conservative friends, the guys who have been in the shit and don't want to return, are fed up with this crap. It'll be the shortest war in US history, but , I'd like to exhaust all options before I spill American blood. If they force our hand, I'm afraid it may happen. They are just so bold, and happy to discard all the sacrifices and lives that were sacrificed to have the nation that we have. Hell, every country in the world have had men and women of all colors lay their lives down for what they believe in. Just for these dicks to deface or destroy it with no ramifications pisses me off. My priest bought an AR10 (that I'm teaching how to break down, clean, clear and shoot) because he is actually afraid of what's happening in the world, and mainly within the US. That speaks heaps as far as I'm concerned, when a man of the cloth is in fear for his community.
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Wheels, BLM and the antifa butt buddies, DO NOT care about the sacrifices made during ANY war that helped fight communism or slavery. They only care about perceived racism and hurt feelings. I say perceived because that is exactly what it is. These communist little bastards are using this felons death, which was wrong in my eyes (but I was not there), to do what they want as long as they want too. Riot, burn, steal, murder. Now (my favorite comedian, sarcasm intended) Tom Arnold is calling for liberal men to borrow their dads rifles and take on Trump supporters. The source is Twitter btw. I truly believe the left wants to start an unwinnable war, plain and simple. Unfortunately for them, even my most reserved conservative friends, the guys who have been in the shit and don't want to return, are fed up with this crap. It'll be the shortest war in US history, but , I'd like to exhaust all options before I spill American blood. If they force our hand, I'm afraid it may happen. They are just so bold, and happy to discard all the sacrifices and lives that were sacrificed to have the nation that we have. Hell, every country in the world have had men and women of all colors lay their lives down for what they believe in. Just for these dicks to deface or destroy it with no ramifications pisses me off.
I fear the ramifications will have to come from us--the government will cowtow and change massively otherwise. I have tried to suggest peaceful means like a tax boycott--but if it keeps up it may be necessary to shoot antifa on sight. I will not allow a bunch of immature but evil mental rocks to rule over me or my descendants. Daniel Webster said it best: "miracles do not cluster" therefore don't think you can come up with our constitution again if you lose it. We are going to need to insist on parity in the liberal media and in academia as well, so we don't keep spitting out little Bernie Sanders, it is going to be a real war.
Do your own research on George Soros. I stand behind my opinion of the man.

Ask the Brits about "Black Wednesday"
No, his funding of the human caravans up from Central America and of antifa and move-on.org make him a SEDITIONIST. He should be shot after a military tribunal, possibly just like many of his sympathizers. If civil war starts, I am sure as hell not going to spare any leftists, so keep it up. Leftists don't concede--and revolutionists to socialism/communism should not be pitied or spared. Don't like it, don't put yourself in my sights!

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cwpayton wrote on Goat416's profile.
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Hunt27 wrote on Tra3's profile.
Spain, i booked through a consultant, i book almost everything through him now and he's done me right. his contact 724 986 7206 if interested and he will have more info to share,
I hunted elephant with Luke Samaris in 2005. It was my fourth safari and I tell you he is a fine gentleman the best. I got the opportunity to meet Patty Curtis, although never hunted with him but enjoyed our conversation around our tent in the Selous. Very sad for a tough guy to leave this world the way he did. Let’s pray the murderers are caught. I hope to see Luke in Nashville.