I'm on-board with this, especially as the IRS is upon its sunset! LOL A war on American soil could be more interesting.

I don't want taxes or wars. I want to settle back into a more free, financially flexible USA (that I've missed dearly since 2019 and 2007 prior.) Sink or Swim. We don't owe the big, fat gov't a penny. Time for Jenny Craig. The rest is BS in papers...Pretty soon DJT/Vance will say..."you get 3-square, water, a movie and daycare." That's It. And, We the People are OK with that as wars-for-profit, orchestrated-by-politics wars, et. al. are Total Bullshit. No Offense (not the way R. Dangerfield meant it!) lol Dad, Grandpop, G. Grandpop, GG. Grandfather were military-and Dad explained "it doesn't make it Right!" LOL and, I cleaned up WWI & II at work so far, Korea/VN is almost done...($Bs out the door-STILL GOING-NOT just in the USA). Again, Total BS for profit! Big Pharma's ALL over my military friends. ALL OVER $$$$$$. Again, Total BS! If they just want to keep the money going, go blow up Russia/China and a few SA countries. LOL But do it more quickly and efficiently than big, tired old swampy ltd. education gov't.

sad truth. Point to ponder...the Brits took China first with Opium and then superior firepower (Cannons.) Sound familiar? It can be done again...xie xie. wan an. lol