We see it in much of the discussion in this thread. Climate alarmists speak with a the arrogant certainty of the Roman Church shortly before Martin Luther nailed his theses in 1517. Go back several hundred posts and you will see the same unquestioning "Belief" in masks, vaccines, school closures etc. Others become committed in their "Belief" in a politician or political movement.
Because of such commitment to a "Belief," those who question those beliefs become an enemy imbued with all the evils of Satan. I can point to dozens of posts in this thread as illustrations.
I think this theme should extend to those on this thread that question the continuation of support of the war in Ukraine. My opinion on the war has mostly been in agreement with yours. However, my thoughts are changing.
At first and especially after we were all surprised at the resilience of the Ukrainians to fight back, I was fully in support of a victory for Ukraine as defined by kicking Putin and his forces completely out of the country. That seemed to be in the works, but now the war appears to be at a stalemate for the time being and has become a war of attrition. That said, Putin has no problem throwing more of his young men into the meat grinder and I believe has more of them than do Ukraine.
I believe you have said that in order to take ground, while air support is needed, eventually you must take that ground with forces on the ground. It seems that is not possible for Ukraine to do without bringing in foreign troops. If that is the case that almost certainly means NATO troops. Do we really wish to go to war with Russia over this relatively small amount of ground in Ukraine, one of the more corrupt nations on this earth?
Would we be conceding some amount of victory to Putin if he were allowed to maintain control over the eastern part of the country he has now? Perhaps, but at what cost has this come to Putin?
I offer the following:
1. Putin has killed off so many of his people. He is as you've stated, is now fighting with conscripts. His professional soldiers have been greatly wiped out.
2. His modern war systems have been wiped out and he is fighting with out of date obsolete equipment. We've seen where ATVs and even stories of donkeys being used for transportation. His navy has even been affected with so many vessels destroyed by a country that doesn't even have a navy.
3. The war has awakened Europe who now seems poised to increase its own defense spending and as such make NATO even stronger.
4. Speaking of making NATO stronger, now we have Sweden and Finland in the alliance and as you say, puts NATO on Russia's doorstep.
5. All of that said, what threat does Putin now represent to the west? His military is in shambles. Russia's economy has been decimated. This ill advised invasion of Ukraine has only led to a strengthening of NATO. So even if he could rebuild his military back to where it was prior to the war in 10 years (and I question that), who cares? The strength of that military was greatly over estimated as seen by the results in Ukraine. So maybe he could rebuild to a point that Russia is actually a threat again and do that in say 20 years, Putin will be 92 by then. Will he even be still in power much less alive?
6. Who exactly would we be fighting for? My understanding is that the people in the eastern part of Ukraine actually wanted to stay with Russia when the USSR fell. They identify as Russians, not Ukrainians. Is it a good idea to fight for people who really don't want your support in the first place? It doesn't to me, in fact I thought that was one of the lessons we learned from Viet Nam.
My point in this little diatribe of mine and to that portion of your post that I quoted is that reasonable people can look at the facts of the situation and arrive at place that may not agree with your POV. As such I don't think it adds to the conversation that those folks be labeled as Putin apologists or neo-isolationists.
As I've said before, I greatly respect your command of history, your Army service and rank achieved. I look forward to your reply.