AH legend
I can't think of a plausible scenario where China is a credible threat to Canada.
It took the US, with the military spending of the next twenty-something odd countries and the most powerful navy several times over more than six months to stage two hundred thousand personnel in the middle east in preparation for the little adventure into Iraq.
China has recently surpassed the US in pure numbers of vessels, but still doesn't have any kind of a real blue water navy. I'm not sure what a scenario looks like where they are able to successfully invade Canada.
And in any case, their interests are far more Pacific-oriented, as you might reasonably expect.
There is about as much risk of China invading as there is South Africa.
I can't think of a truly plausible scenario at least in the next decade. However, I can't think of a truly plausible scenario where the US would ever invade Canada. However, some have voice the US as more of a concern than China.
I would also say that China is much more of a risk than South Africa as least in our lifetimes and our children's lifetimes.
Honestly, if I was a Canadian I would be more worried about how the government had eroded the rights of its citizens, rather than being worried about external or international threats.