A few days ago the head of the EPA rolled back a lot of regulations. The youtubers are all claiming that Diesel truck deletes are no longer illegal (egr/dfp/def delete) and they are saying automakers don't have to make light duty trucks that have all the emissions nonsense on them any longer.
The problem? I cannot find a solid legal review that demonstrates the above to be true, just a bunch of bubbas on diesel channels claiming that's what the deregulation accomplishes.
For those of you asking why this matters? Diesel trucks have become horrifically unreliable since 2006. They have emissions systems that when they break (they do, and quickly) require around $12,000 repair bills. They also destroy the engines in half the useful life by recirculating dirty exhaust back into the combustion chambers. When people (criminals?) delete their trucks they get another 30-50hp, another 3-5MPG, and a useful life of 250k-400k miles rather than 100k-200k as original sold.
IF this is true, the small business owner will have longer fleet life for their vehicles and their new fleet purchases will last twice as long.
Facts anyone?