Not even apples and oranges... no, it's not that simple, and if you think that you're damned naive.
So I am obese and choose to clean up my act... or not. Me, an individual.
Speaking of me and my little corner of the world, there isn't any sort of unified front with regards to climate change or fixing it in my community of 2500 in Alaska. If anything I'd say we're probably moving the needle in the wrong direction, overall. There is less than zero chance for even minimal buy-in from most countries globally, IMHO. As others have pointed out, if a country can't provide for the very basics to simply live day to day, how do you expect the people in such places to give so much as a rat's fart of thought or concern to something as esoteric as global warming or climate change? The future of the planet? They're just worried about seeing next month.
A solution that applies to a single individual is pretty freaking meaningless when you attempt to apply it to the global population, IMHO. No sir, as much as an optimist as I am, you folks are pissing into a hurricane level wind on this. If this is Thermopylae, you don't have even 300 and they ain't Spartans either. You can be butt hurt about it but it doesn't change reality. Feel free to cling to your own opinion. This happens to be mine.