I would guess it is about as accurate as everything else he has said about the war in Ukraine, Russia, and the status of the conflict - pretty close to absolute falsehoods (or lies as he likes to say) that could have been prepared for him in the Kremlin.
I wonder how accurate this story is??
If true or mostly true sure makes our blind support of Ukraine over the past 4 years look pretty stupid.
I used to be a fan until he decided to host people like Douglas Macgregor who had their own vendettas to ply with respect to Ukraine. His "reporting" from Russia was perhaps the most embarrassing effort at journalism I have ever seen as he tossed softball after softball to the little dictator. The most embarrassing segment of that trip was his stop in a Russian grocery store where he was so excited about the low prices. As he praised the Russian government, for offering such bargains he failed to offer his viewers a small data point in comparative cost analysis.
The average American earnings are currently pegged at approximately $60,000 - $70,000 (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics) a year. His or her Russian counterpart is earning $13,000 - $15,000 (depending on exchange rate). The commodities over which he was swooning actually were costing the Russian family far more of their available income.
Finally, I am in Europe a lot. I am confident I am visiting and staying at venues as nice as Tucker's resort. Five years ago, a loud drunken Russian could be a problem in a restaurant or a bar (that at least did come to a screeching halt three years ago). I have never seen these mysterious uber-rich Ukrainians he claims to have witnessed. I guess I was just in the wrong hotel.