Because both Democrat & Republican donors make piles of cash off of illegal labor......
But yes I do believe it is coming and I can assure you there is a difference in enforcement and penalties depending who is in office; and during the first Trump term he didn't pull punches on employers.
Here are 3 examples from 2019.....
By Bruce E. Buchanan In the past 6 months, owners of companies, who re-hired undocumented workers after an Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) audit of its I-9 forms, have faced federal indictment or criminal forfeiture of assets for their unlawful actions. The common theme in these...
Example #2 is a former employer of mine that was caught in Both Obama's and Trump's tenure
Vilhauer construction of Plano TX, was caught with 113 illegals on the payroll with fake SS numbers as well as fake TX Drivers licenses; the company was given a very stern "correct this issue" warning and a $750 fine after promising to terminate these employees.
ICE audits this same employers records and finds that 71 of the previously reported 113 illegals are still working for the company but with new fake IDs & fraudulent SS numbers.
ICE seized $1.8Mil in cash from Vilhauer company bank accounts!
Legal basis of seizing those assets - Profits from operating a criminal enterprise!
It's not just the small guys either, Asplundh Tree Experts(One of the largest private companies in the USA) paid $101.5Mil in fines and some of their management was sent to prison.
I 100% support this - Because if your business profit margins are based on illegal labor then by definition you are operating a CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE and per civil forfeiture, your ill gotten gains are subject to seizure.