@Iwaters You know that's 100% bullshit fake and has been called out so many times it's not even funny right?
The fake quote, which has been online since at least 2015, has been recirculating as Mr Trump begins his second term as president.
..... or do you still believe it regardless just like Hunters laptop was "Russian Collusion" ?
Trump 2004
Hillary 2008
Neither the Democrat or Republican party is the same as it was even 20 years ago.... and thankfully so on the republican part, Democrats have just switched from being the plantation owners to being the wealthy educated overseers of the peasant class they rule over with disdain. Problem is the peasant class is deserting them in droves, or at least younger generations are.
However if were digging up OLD Democrat quotes, its going to require more censorship.........
Like when LBJ said "I'll have those ni**ers voting Democrat for 200 years!"