just two brief comments on your thoughts.
"Well, it's a common myth that the US and the EU are friends, allies, partners. But that's not really true".
You're completely wrong. But completely.
We are (at least we used to be) a community of values that values and protects prosperity, freedom and the right to fair justice and property
Have you ever been to Germany? Do you have contact with the people?
"Support for the Iraq War in the UK for instance had approval ratings of about 45% at the time the UK joined, had dropped to below 20% 1 year in. Yet, the UK stuck it out for the duration. Why?"
Because Tony Blair(UK Primeminister that time) was never the brightest tart on the candle.
The Iraq war was built on lies.
Shame on Rumsfeld,Cheyny,Wolfowitz and Bush 2, how much grief do you think they caused?
Blair supported the invasion of Iraq in 2003 and arranged for British forces to take part in the Iraq war based on the false assumption that Saddam Hussein's regime had weapons of mass destruction and
links to al-Qaeda
Foxi, I have been to Germany, many times. I'm a Brit, and I used to work in Europe a lot in my previous job. I spent 2 months in Berlin, and about 3 weeks all told in Karlsruhe, not to mention my trips for vacations. I have a few (admittedly only a few) friends there to this day.
I've also visited (and worked in) France, Italy, Croatia, Spain, Portugal, the Czech Republic, the Netherlands, Greece, Poland, Austria, Turkey, Ukraine, and many others besides. I never made it to the Scandi nations though, which is a shame. Plus of course I lived in the UK from birth to the age of 24.
personally consider the US a fairly reliable ally, with whom we are fairly well strategically aligned. But the 'average European', does not, and I have seen that in many EU nations in my personal experience, not to mention in the polls (and many like them) that I posted.
That I think is unfortunate, but also understandable. The Iraq war was definitely the factor that shook UK confidence in the US the most, and honestly, I don't think it ever really recovered in that nation.
I also think that the general drift left in the EU has lead to more of a gulf in 'culture' with the US in recent years as well. I'm considering attitudes to religion, homosexuality, abortion, immigration, healthcare, and many more besides. Plus of course the utter shambles of recent US politics.
It's notable that the older generation have a much more positive view of the US than the younger generation, and also the folks who 'lean right' seem to be much more positive than those who 'lean left'.