@mdwest I normally agree with you, but not on this one. I think every agency or department head should stand up to Elon, like Patel did, and simply say, "I will handle my staff in my department." I watched the news last night and there was a story of Elon's 20-ish year old computer geeks going into the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Maybe CFPB needs to be downsized or even eliminated, but if some unknowns came into my office, I would have security escort them out. If they wouldn't leave, I'd have them arrested.
I worked in corporate America for nearly 40 years, and the chain of command was respected and used. A high level manager or executive from one Division would not and could not make demands to the rank and file of another division.
We arent in disagreement...
My issue is with some leftist politician telling federal employees that their response should be civil disobedience..
that has no place in the workforce.. whether private or public sector..
If your boss tells you to do something, and its not illegal, immoral, or unethical.. you do it.. the details can be worked out later..
in the case of the FBI, if the director says "I don't support that order".. then FBI employees clearly need to follow the guidance given to them by their boss.. Patel and Musk can work out their differences, or escalate the matter to Trump and let him decide..
But the random GS10 that just decides "Fuck you" as the politicians advised them, should be terminated on the spot IMO..
Try that in any organization Ive ever worked for.. whether it was the federal govt, county govt, municipal govt, or private sector (Ive worked in all of those).. and I wouldn't have been employed the next day.. .
One thing is for certain... MANY more layoffs are coming... so far 75,000 took the "fork in the road" invitation and resigned/retired.. another 20K have been "laid off" or "fired".. we're nearing 100K (will likely be well over 100K by the weekend).. and just 2 weeks ago the unions and the D's were screaming it couldn't happen, they wouldn't allow it to happen, no one will take the buy out, etc..etc..
Daily they are proven wrong..
Sure, there will be law suits, court challenges, etc.. but that's not going to change that by the time this is all over with 200K or more people will no longer be working for the federal govt (out of the 2.25M civilian employees it currently has)..
Like I said in an earlier post.. D's are going to have to figure out how to get involved rather than just screaming, bitching, complaining, protesting, crying, and making sound bites for MSNBC and CNN.... clearly no one that's actually in charge cares about their position..
otherwise we're going to continue to see more of the same, conducted in the same manner, by the same people..
Whether or not all of this actually works long term remains to be seen... Im not convinced the right method was to employ Elons giant battle axe.. but at the same time I don't think any plan the D's would have come forward with a month ago would have been acceptable (they'd want to do micro surgery with a pen knife and call it a victory)... maybe just a rapier or a broadsword would have been a better approach..
but for now no one can deny that Trump is delivering on what he promised regarding the shrink of the Fed Govt.. Its happening.. and its happening rapidly..