John Wasmuth
AH elite
The only people that are pissed DOGE is doing what DOGE does are the crooks that the money can be traced to……. Corruption to the core……
Perhaps Vince believes that the so-called "populist" parties in Europe are Trump's allies, and he does not want these parties to be prevented from coming to power. This is especially true for the "Alternative for Germany".The VP in his speech abroad said the biggest threat many European nations face isn’t from China and Russia it’s their crumbling culture. And growing authoritarianism tendencies.
I fail to see the issue? Is the issue the name of the company sounds like the news agency or we are working to catch up to other near peers in the information space?
That is what is quietly infuriating me. Musk is obviously a smart fellow. But he knows exactly zero about the tactical, operational, or strategic application of military power. In some ways it is less than zero, because his intelligence hides that ignorance. In the last few months he has opined that the F-35 isn't needed because drones will own the air space. OK - maybe - but when? He has opined that no human will be able to survive the future battlefield. OK - maybe - but when? Others have said similar things about other technologies whether the dreadnought, the strategic bomber, the tank, Chobham armor, etc, etc, etc, History will not stop with Elon Musk, and history has proven over and over again that for every technological innovation their is a technological counter measure. In the end, it is the soldier with his boots in the dirt who will win or lose the day. Sadly, we have a Chief Executive that may be only slightly less ignorant about military capability than his advisor.What does Musk know about DODs requirements? I am a bit over hearing how Musk is "catching" everyone in shady behavior. A close friend worked for Musk in the security space. Saw him daily. Musk is a train wreck. He is an opportunist. Not our savior.
Right now neither you or I have any idea what that funding was actually designed to do and for what reason. I would hope that something besides breathless internet innuendo will be provided to all of us in the coming days. At the moment, it is all supposition. I will simply say, all of my interactions with DARPA were strictly in the interest of developing military capability across a broad spectrum of threats. I never heard of or was exposed to a research program that did not. Perhaps there were.You don't see an issue when the DOD pays a major media outlet that operates in America to create and promote a media narrative and even labels it, "Active Social Engineering Defense Large Scale Social Deception". When DARPA says it is for Cyber defense. Funds from DOD going to any Media outlet, NGO's, 501's, etc. are fungible and a sister component of the organization can do with it as directed by the donor. What else is DARPA funding through the same "Active Social Engineering" contract that looks to be around 100m per year. I understand the need for black ops. The question is how does America know those black ops aren't being used in America. We are finding out that USAID has done those things and it looks like DARPA is probably doing the same.
The DOD through the Office of Net Assessment paid Stephan Halper to set up Carter Page, George Stephanopoulos and Mike Flynn allowing the FBI's DNI to get FISA warrants on them. Giving some credence to the Steele Dossier which was paid for by the Clinton campaign and DNC through Perkins Coie to start the entire Russia Gate conspiracy. So basically the DOD was involved in a coup against a setting President.
What else is the DOD doing through ONA, DARPA and it's many other acronyms doing against America. I have no clue but hopefully we will be finding some of those things out, if there is any in the next four years. Congress is not doing it's job in oversight. Hopefully the Executive Branch will be able to police itself, which it seems to be trying to do in this administration allowing Congress to grow a pair and do it's rightful job in the future.
I have not seen an official poll, so I cannot confirm your assertion. But, I honestly believe the Canadians who possess common sense and not react as if they have never heard Trump speak for the first time, appreciate the humor in it and are also enjoying watching Trudeau and his supporters squeal...
But you are correct in that I honestly don't care that it may piss off some Canadians, just as I don't care that any America First policies piss off any other country...
Did watch Vance's speech today in Germany?
Interesting technique. It assumes the fired people are all non-productive. I suppose it could be the case, but because there was no evaluation of individual performance, we'll never know. Interesting to recall however, most criticism of the VA in recent decades has revolved around inadequate staffing for its huge mission. Of one thing I am certain, veterans will not be shy over the next few months in offering their assessment of the results - good or bad. Mission critical and mission necessary are two very different things. The former can keep essential services going for a limited period of time.
Should Musk be looking into NASA? Seems unethical for him to be investigating a pseudo competitor.NASA is also in the DOGE crosshairs.
Her constituents also acquitted OJ.And yet she will easily get elected again the next cycle by her constituents..
it truly boggles the mind..
Excellent point!Her constituents also acquitted OJ.
You mean a client. NASA has written and continues to write a lot of checks to SpaceX.Should Musk be looking into NASA? Seems unethical for him to be investigating a pseudo competitor.
Mmm, pretty convenient!You mean a client. NASA has written and continues to write a lot of checks to SpaceX.
You mean a client. NASA has written and continues to write a lot of checks to SpaceX.
To me this is just bizarre, wholesale firings with absolutely no performance reviews and a very impersonal email. It really seems unprofessional and almost childish.
Firings at Department of Interior and the Forest Service, who is going to fight western fires , 10% at the CDC , who is going to keep the next Covid out of the country ( provided they learned something from the last Covid ) I could go on and on but I’m trying to watch my blood pressure!
All of that said if DOGE would stay in their lane ferreting out fraud and abuse it would be a blessing.
Another thing about them firing ALL probationary employees, you will always need some new blood to replace the old blood, seems like they could be throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Full disclosure, my daughter found out last week she was no longer a probationary employee so her job at the CDC may be safe for now but she is not very confident. Unfortunately she’s by herself in a house they just closed on in November and her husband left for Germany in January with a Naval reserve unit so she is enduring all of this alone. My wife spent the last week or so with her in Atlanta, so I don’t plan on seeing her much until the Son In Law gets home.
Trying times around the old Plumb house for sure.
97%I’ve long held that 90% of the federal government needs to be abolished.
If a few babies get thrown out with the bath water………Well, we’re overpopulated anyway.