You potentially have a good point on the effect of some tariffs with respect to the cost of some goods. I suspect the level of those tariffs will depend upon the actions of the other parties. They are as much a negotiating tool as a revenue generator. But a rebalancing of worldwide protectionist economic policy is long overdue.There is a group of people here who can’t find any wrongdoing of Trump.
I’m all against illegal immigration but having said that get ready for rising inflation and labor prices or finding no labor at all. Specifically after tariffs are implemented. It’s easy for us a few wealthy men talking around a firing circle but this will hit the lower and middle class hard starting with drug prices for medicare patients.
Also if we live long enough get ready for the challenges of the interpretation of all the amendments including second. Like I said before he opened the Pandoras box.
I do not buy the notion that tariffs will have any meaningful effect on inflation.
The reduction in illegal immigration inevitably will result in higher US wages - and yes, some of those wage increases will affect the cost of services.
With respect to "challenges to amendments," what do you think the justices appointed to SCOTUS do for a living? The court's every ruling is based directly or indirectly on its interpretation of the constitution - which of course, includes all the amendments. The court has ruled on several 2nd Amendment cases just since this thread began. Anyone of which could have completely changed the basic interpretation of the amendment had the court chosen to do so.
Dred Scott was a SCOTUS decision as was striking the striking the Missouri Compromise. The first was a rather tortuous bit of legal logic heavily relying on precedent and the latter was based upon the Fifth amendment.
The former decision was effectively reversed by the 1868 14th Amendment which was written to resolve the former slave citizenship issue. It was only stretched to apply to all children of non-citizens born in this country by US v Wong Kim Ark and subsequent decisions using this case as precedent. Just like any other precedent setting case, it is open to reinterpretation by the court. SCOTUS will undoubtedly get its opportunity with this executive directive.