
Biden continues with his middle finger salute to the American people and our middle eastern Allies
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I never thought I would see a worst president than Carter. But Biden (actually Obama and his minions) managed to be worse.
Almost makes a person think he became a Canadian.:cool:

Almost makes a person think he became a Canadian.:cool:

I never thought I would see a worst president than Carter. But Biden (actually Obama and his minions) managed to be worse.
Huge difference. Carter was a well meaning good man at heart who had terrible economic ideas... or probably followed bad economic advice might be more appropriate. His accomplishments with Israel and Egypt were groundbreaking.

And Carter was arguably the absolute best former president in the modern age.

Compare his accomplishments building housing to Obama building his own net worth. Not to mention the swindling of this country and outright influence peddling of Biden. Those two set out to better their persinal positions at the the expense of their county.

Carter set out to better his country no matter the personal cost. He truly made terrible decisions but he truly lamented them and tried to do his best. He may even have been a victim of the time. He certainly showed the country and Reagan what didn't work;) Probably would have been a real uphill battle for Reganomics if Carter had not set the stage.

I don't know anyone who has anything bad to say about Carter's substial post presidential time on this Earth. I think he deserves respect, especially this week.
@Rocked and Loaded You're probably right. Another war would be a great thing. Maybe China would end up a democratic paradise......like, say, Afghanistan or Libya. What could possibly go wrong? On the other hand, maybe we could cooperate and prosper together. Just a crazy thought?.....FWB
Huge difference. Carter was a well meaning good man at heart who had terrible economic ideas... or probably followed bad economic advice might be more appropriate. His accomplishments with Israel and Egypt were groundbreaking.

And Carter was arguably the absolute best former president in the modern age.

Compare his accomplishments building housing to Obama building his own net worth. Not to mention the swindling of this country and outright influence peddling of Biden. Those two set out to better their persinal positions at the the expense of their county.

Carter set out to better his country no matter the personal cost. He truly made terrible decisions but he truly lamented them and tried to do his best. He may even have been a victim of the time. He certainly showed the country and Reagan what didn't work;) Probably would have been a real uphill battle for Reganomics if Carter had not set the stage.

I don't know anyone who has anything bad to say about Carter's substial post presidential time on this Earth. I think he deserves respect, especially this week.
I would argue that is not entirely true. In fact, some on the right consider some of his actions were bordering on treason.

No one will argue the virtue of his domestic efforts following his presidency. But on the international stage, he was one of the most meddlesome, to use a kind word, former presidents in the nation's history. You can easily do your own research once you get past the lauditory listings.

For instance, during the Desert Shield stage leading up to the First Gulf War, he sent letters to European and Arab heads of state urging them not to support or to be a part of the US and UK led coalition to potentially evict Iraq from Kuwait. His attitude toward successive Israeli leaders was very much in keeping with what we saw during the Biden and Obama tenures. He seemed to truly believe that he was the only leader on earth who had any capacity to forge any agreement among the Arab states and Israel.

This is a pretty good synopsis from National Review.

Repeat offenders should be executed.

But one felony conviction and after release you should get all your rights restored. Convicted of another felony? Say goodbye to Momma because you won’t see her until she gets to the afterlife.

Stop stacking charges, convict on one charge, and let everyone have another chance with your life hanging in the balance if you decide to continue a life of crime. This will reduce recidivism and clean out the prisons. People will either be productive members of society or put to death.

I’ve spent quite a bit of time dealing with pure evil and behind prison walls. I know there is only one way to get rid of it. You too make assumptions that show your lack of knowledge about me. You know what they say about making assumptions.

Is my idea dangerous? Yes, but so is freedom. I’ll take freedom over what we have now and freedom over “feel good” pseudo safety that does nothing.
People, not just me, are making assumptions based on what you've written. Stating that cops were high school bullies that couldn't make it in college leaves no reason to believe anything else.

I do like the case for capital punishment though. One young female officer that I knew was murdered in prison by an offender that was already life without parole. He was admitted that he dud it and asked for a tetanus shot, "because she bit me." He was convicted and sentenced to death. Then the worthless governor and other Democrats decided to eliminate the death penalty in this state. Jayme Biendl became a freebie bonus kill.

One more point: As much as they wanted to, no one injured the worthless POS. They protected the killers constitutional rights to have a trial, and they have not subjected him to any punishment not prescribed by law. Doesn't really fit your description of "badge totters" or bullies does it? You also have assumed a lot without evidence.
Huge difference. Carter was a well meaning good man at heart who had terrible economic ideas... or probably followed bad economic advice might be more appropriate. His accomplishments with Israel and Egypt were groundbreaking.

And Carter was arguably the absolute best former president in the modern age.

Compare his accomplishments building housing to Obama building his own net worth. Not to mention the swindling of this country and outright influence peddling of Biden. Those two set out to better their persinal positions at the the expense of their county.

Carter set out to better his country no matter the personal cost. He truly made terrible decisions but he truly lamented them and tried to do his best. He may even have been a victim of the time. He certainly showed the country and Reagan what didn't work;) Probably would have been a real uphill battle for Reganomics if Carter had not set the stage.

I don't know anyone who has anything bad to say about Carter's substial post presidential time on this Earth. I think he deserves respect, especially this week.
NAAA Im one who remembers long gas lines, unemployment, economic Maillies ,GIVEING AWAY THE PANAMA CANAL, SOME SORT OF BACKING OUT ON TIAWAN cant remember that one exactly. building houses after his departure, well big deal I guess ,Im sure they all trashed by now. You cant earn your way to heaven anyhow. Goodbye Jimme You were a failure as pres. but grew some great peanuts. R I P.
@Rocked and Loaded You're probably right. Another war would be a great thing. Maybe China would end up a democratic paradise......like, say, Afghanistan or Libya. What could possibly go wrong? On the other hand, maybe we could cooperate and prosper together. Just a crazy thought?.....FWB
I wouldn’t want a war with China but cooperation by definition takes two participants. Taiwan’s independent-in-reality-if-not-on-paper situation has been the cooperative status quo for the last quarter of a century or more. China has unilaterally decided to rock the boat on this issue, in addition to provoking pretty much every other country operating in Asian waters. Waters we have kept open for everyone, including the Chinese. I think we’ve been very accommodating of Chinese interests and they profited greatly where they’ve chosen to cooperate with us, many times at our expense.

Also, war with China in the Pacific would not be a nation building exercise like Afghanistan. They have nukes and a ground invasion would never happen. A limited engagement, knocking their navy back on its heels, would be the most likely scenario. Anything beyond that is probably impossible.

Between nuclear peers, any war will be limited by necessity. There’s no option for unconditional or unrestricted warfare.

Obviously the best scenario would be China leaving Taiwan alone and playing nice in South Pacific waters. I suppose figuring out how to ensure that happens is the million yuan question.
It's a few years since I travelled through China and much has changed since then. Back then, most of the locals I spoke to weren't too fussed about the CCP. They regarded them a bit like a modern dynasty which would be overthrown if they went to far out of line. I believe they were quite naive and XI has changed everything. An old school authoritarian dictator.

From what I saw, I would be very careful second guessing China's approach to nuclear war. Unlike most Western countries, simply taking out a few major cities would have little effect on them. The country is covered in mega cities from one end to the other. With a population of 1.4 billion, and widley distributed manufacturing, they could lose major cities and a hundred million people with little or no disruption to the country as a whole.
Wow....Justin Trudeau gone. Heard it a bit late. He's young enough to get back into politics somewhere.....hopefully my Canadian friends can successfully flush the bowl before he floats back to the top.....congrats to them for ousting this turd............several more still need to go yet.......FWB
@Hunter4752001 Confrontation with countries that have offered to cooperate with us makes no sense....in fact it is insane. It becomes difficult to even define a win.....when thousands of young people and billions in infrastructure is lost. On both sides. If the Chinese were sailing war ships of off the California coast and Oregon coast all while building bases in Mexico and Canada....I can see the problem. But it is US!!! We are sailing war ships along their coast, and building bases in the east, around them. WE ARE the aggressors here. Lets not push so hard that they have to retaliate like in Ukraine. Our actions have destroyed Ukraine, yet hey blame only Putin. One day a bright young Ukrainian is gonna say, hey America.....you did this to us. You're 50% to blame. You must pay to rebuild us. And we will
Huge difference. Carter was a well meaning good man at heart who had terrible economic ideas... or probably followed bad economic advice might be more appropriate. His accomplishments with Israel and Egypt were groundbreaking.

And Carter was arguably the absolute best former president in the modern age.

Compare his accomplishments building housing to Obama building his own net worth. Not to mention the swindling of this country and outright influence peddling of Biden. Those two set out to better their persinal positions at the the expense of their county.

Carter set out to better his country no matter the personal cost. He truly made terrible decisions but he truly lamented them and tried to do his best. He may even have been a victim of the time. He certainly showed the country and Reagan what didn't work;) Probably would have been a real uphill battle for Reganomics if Carter had not set the stage.

I don't know anyone who has anything bad to say about Carter's substial post presidential time on this Earth. I think he deserves respect, especially this week.

Carter was and is a naive liberal. He emboldened dictators by his passive nature, he legitimized corrupt elections by naively getting duped by thugs.

As to his service to his fellow man, that I have real world experience doing myself. I volunteered as a teen with Habitat for Humanity building homes for the poor in Mississippi. The thing that shocked me is that here I was 16, sweating in 100 degree heat swinging a hammer, sheeting a roof, or installing drywall. Meanwhile, a handful of people with no jobs were getting free houses. I was expected to give my time and trade skills, the recipients of the houses were making no effort to obtain marketable skills or even to contribute to the labor themselves. It doesn’t work because it’s liberal giving. Not enough money exists to give everybody a free houses, nor do the recipients have the necessary work skills to maintain their home physically or financially.

I was dissolutioned, just like every other leftist “good idea” that is put under the test of actual practice.
Carter was and is a naive liberal. He emboldened dictators by his passive nature, he legitimized corrupt elections by naively getting duped by thugs.

As to his service to his fellow man, that I have real world experience doing myself. I volunteered as a teen with Habitat for Humanity building homes for the poor in Mississippi. The thing that shocked me is that here I was 16, sweating in 100 degree heat swinging a hammer, sheeting a roof, or installing drywall. Meanwhile, a handful of people with no jobs were getting free houses. I was expected to give my time and trade skills, the recipients of the houses were making no effort to obtain marketable skills or even to contribute to the labor themselves. It doesn’t work because it’s liberal giving. Not enough money exists to give everybody a free houses, nor do the recipients have the necessary work skills to maintain their home physically or financially.

I was dissolutioned, just like every other leftist “good idea” that is put under the test of actual practice.
Yes. For the past 45 years, the world can thank Carter for what Iran became on his watch as POTUS, either by his ignorance, his complacency or his blessing.
I would argue that is not entirely true. In fact, some on the right consider some of his actions were bordering on treason.

No one will argue the virtue of his domestic efforts following his presidency. But on the international stage, he was one of the most meddlesome, to use a kind word, former presidents in the nation's history. You can easily do your own research once you get past the lauditory listings.

For instance, during the Desert Shield stage leading up to the First Gulf War, he sent letters to European and Arab heads of state urging them not to support or to be a part of the US and UK led coalition to potentially evict Iraq from Kuwait. His attitude toward successive Israeli leaders was very much in keeping with what we saw during the Biden and Obama tenures. He seemed to truly believe that he was the only leader on earth who had any capacity to forge any agreement among the Arab states and Israel.

This is a pretty good synopsis from National Review.

I was unaware of that. Thanks for clarifying.
About a year ago, I read the book, "Reaganland." The book doesn't cover Reagan's presidential years, it dissects the politics of the Ford and Carter years that ultimately led to Reagan's election. Interesting, but very long read.

Carter was and is a naive liberal. He emboldened dictators by his passive nature, he legitimized corrupt elections by naively getting duped by thugs.

As to his service to his fellow man, that I have real world experience doing myself. I volunteered as a teen with Habitat for Humanity building homes for the poor in Mississippi. The thing that shocked me is that here I was 16, sweating in 100 degree heat swinging a hammer, sheeting a roof, or installing drywall. Meanwhile, a handful of people with no jobs were getting free houses. I was expected to give my time and trade skills, the recipients of the houses were making no effort to obtain marketable skills or even to contribute to the labor themselves. It doesn’t work because it’s liberal giving. Not enough money exists to give everybody a free houses, nor do the recipients have the necessary work skills to maintain their home physically or financially.

I was dissolutioned, just like every other leftist “good idea” that is put under the test of actual practice.

I've wondered from time to time, as recently as a few days ago as of course they were talking about Carter, whether those people were required to make any sort of financial contribution to the home. I've always just assumed that we're supposed to act as if them swinging a hammer for a couple days is enough.
It's a few years since I travelled through China and much has changed since then. Back then, most of the locals I spoke to weren't too fussed about the CCP. They regarded them a bit like a modern dynasty which would be overthrown if they went to far out of line. I believe they were quite naive and XI has changed everything. An old school authoritarian dictator.

From what I saw, I would be very careful second guessing China's approach to nuclear war. Unlike most Western countries, simply taking out a few major cities would have little effect on them. The country is covered in mega cities from one end to the other. With a population of 1.4 billion, and widley distributed manufacturing, they could lose major cities and a hundred million people with little or no disruption to the country as a whole.
This is so true. You have described my thoughts exactly. I have also been to several parts of China. It is a juggernaut of cities, people, infrastructure and manufacturing. With 1.4 billion people, there would be no way to defeat China in any type of ground war in their country. Now, they are building up their navy. Nuclear deterrence is our only option with China. A direct conventional war with China with the way things sit now would be a disaster.

We were fools to help them along and give up our manufacturing base to them in the name of cheap goods. The modern unions in the USA also had a hand in pushing manufacturing to China. Does snapping parts together really necessitate a $100k wage plus full benefits? I remember hearing about a strike many years ago at a General Motors plant where the average worker already made $54 per hour plus benefits. Give me a break. No wonder a new full-size crew cab pickup is $100k! That was the price of my first house! Ridiculous.

In a war, all they would have to do is stop exports to us and we would be done. We need to revitalize our manufacturing base and the unions need a reality check as to the worth of unskilled labor.
Carter was and is a naive liberal. He emboldened dictators by his passive nature, he legitimized corrupt elections by naively getting duped by thugs.

As to his service to his fellow man, that I have real world experience doing myself. I volunteered as a teen with Habitat for Humanity building homes for the poor in Mississippi. The thing that shocked me is that here I was 16, sweating in 100 degree heat swinging a hammer, sheeting a roof, or installing drywall. Meanwhile, a handful of people with no jobs were getting free houses. I was expected to give my time and trade skills, the recipients of the houses were making no effort to obtain marketable skills or even to contribute to the labor themselves. It doesn’t work because it’s liberal giving. Not enough money exists to give everybody a free houses, nor do the recipients have the necessary work skills to maintain their home physically or financially.

I was dissolutioned, just like every other leftist “good idea” that is put under the test of actual practice.
Yes, you want to see how people take care of a free home? Take a drive through the government housing subdivisions of homes (not apartments) in South Dakota on either the Pine Ridge Reservation or the Rosebud Reservation. Not pretty!
This is so true. You have described my thoughts exactly. I have also been to several parts of China. It is a juggernaut of cities, people, infrastructure and manufacturing. With 1.4 billion people, there would be no way to defeat China in any type of ground war in their country. Now, they are building up their navy. Nuclear deterrence is our only option with China. A direct conventional war with China with the way things sit now would be a disaster.

We were fools to help them along and give up our manufacturing base to them in the name of cheap goods. The modern unions in the USA also had a hand in pushing manufacturing to China. Does snapping parts together really necessitate a $100k wage plus full benefits? I remember hearing about a strike many years ago at a General Motors plant where the average worker already made $54 per hour plus benefits. Give me a break. No wonder a new full-size crew cab pickup is $100k! That was the price of my first house! Ridiculous.

In a war, all they would have to do is stop exports to us and we would be done. We need to revitalize our manufacturing base and the unions need a reality check as to the worth of unskilled labor.

Unfortunately a good part of the population thinks that everyone in a union makes that much.
Unfortunately a good part of the population thinks that everyone in a union makes that much.
It was the average at that plant. As for the service industry, does checking out customers at Safeway necessitate a wage that was unsustainable for the company? That’s why we see self-checkout. I use to be a forced union member at Safeway when I was young. Saw it first-hand. It’s this whole “living wage” movement for menial jobs that people should not aspire to as a career. These should be entry level jobs, not careers.

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schwerpunkt88 wrote on Robmill70's profile.
Morning Rob, Any feeling for how the 300 H&H shoots? How's the barrel condition?
mrpoindexter wrote on Charlm's profile.
Hello. I see you hunted with Sampie recently. If you don't mind me asking, where did you hunt with him? Zim or SA? And was it with a bow? What did you hunt?

I am possibly going to book with him soon.
Currently doing a load development on a .404 Jeffrey... it's always surprising to load .423 caliber bullets into a .404 caliber rifle. But we love it when we get 400 Gr North Fork SS bullets to 2300 FPS, those should hammer down on buffalo. Next up are the Cutting Edge solids and then Raptors... load 200 rounds of ammo for the customer and on to the next gun!
To much to political shit, to little Africa :-)