Huge difference. Carter was a well meaning good man at heart who had terrible economic ideas... or probably followed bad economic advice might be more appropriate. His accomplishments with Israel and Egypt were groundbreaking.
And Carter was arguably the absolute best former president in the modern age.
Compare his accomplishments building housing to Obama building his own net worth. Not to mention the swindling of this country and outright influence peddling of Biden. Those two set out to better their persinal positions at the the expense of their county.
Carter set out to better his country no matter the personal cost. He truly made terrible decisions but he truly lamented them and tried to do his best. He may even have been a victim of the time. He certainly showed the country and Reagan what didn't work

Probably would have been a real uphill battle for Reganomics if Carter had not set the stage.
I don't know anyone who has anything bad to say about Carter's substial post presidential time on this Earth. I think he deserves respect, especially this week.