Why don’t you actually research the history of the Crusades and why they were pursued in the first place and get back with me.
well as I see it, the crusades are still going on "today" ZIONIST Christians, and Politian's are all raaa, rrraaa, go Israel ,kill those Palestinians Muslims and Christians alike. this is what I don,t see at all , all those people are semites both Israeli's and Palestinians read your old testament Duet. 7-3 the Hebrew people intermarried time and time again, in spite of commanded dont do it. they are mostly all mixed blood, semite people , the" land promise" by God to the jews was invalidated by their own repeated disobedience thats why he had them go into captivity to babyloyn and then finally in 68-70 A D he had them scattered everywhere( the diaspora) and their annihilation and destruction of their temple as prophesied and sanctioned by Christ himself, the UN in 1948 doesnt change that, it is finished on the cross,1Corinthians5-7, a new covenant inaugurated the old was done.. Hebrews 8-8 .Christ is the apex ,center of all history, past present future . Genesis to revelation. it is now ,and from then on a world wide religion not one judaism , there is neither jew or Greek, Romans 2-28, John 11-52, Zionist wanting to see a rebuilt temple, a center of the world old Jerusalem and reinstalled animal sacrifices at such temple, totally miss the value of the book of Hebrews. 8-6,7 Christ is the sacrifice for all times , the alpha and the omega, there is no going back, Hebrews 7-19 Heb.7-22..,ROMANS, Galatians, Hebrews, and acts explains this in great detail, acts 3-22-23. John 5-39 JESUS spoke to the Jews .You search the scriptures Because in them you think you have eternal life, but they speak (bear witness) of ME, and you are unwilling to come to me.. read john 8-42-44 then tell me how you can declare the jews are still now today Gods chosen people?.If you dont believe this then explain 1 john 22 -22 the( epistle) and john ( the_ gospel)5-43 5-46,47. And Romans 4-14.
I wish Charles Darby would have stayed in Scottland in the 1800,s and never came over here with his teachings. may I suggest ," Historical Theology for the church" by DUESING AND FINN, . and teachers Bruce Gore and Steve Gregg God Bless ,JUST MY 5 cents worth.