The principal of the elementary school here is a Democrat. He is also a close friend, for nearly 20 years. My last year at the school as a classroom teacher was his first here, back then he as a new 5th grade teacher. He is also one of the most reasoned and intelligent people I know, more so than some of my Republican friends and acquaintances. That doesn't mean he and I agree on most issues, but it does mean we have rational, meaningful conversations and debates. One day a few years back, right before election day, we both started to walk into the post office at the same time. He opened the door for me. I thanked him. He chuckled and said "Always happy to help someone whose vote is going to cancel out mine."
Not all Democrats are evil; not all Republicans are knights in shining armor. And I tend to normally see things in very black and white.
My two cents, which is worth even less in Alaska.
I tend to run in a mostly former military and former cop crowd... and most of those people come from the southeastern or southwestern US... so.. as one would imagine, by in large most of my friends and acquaintances are conservatives.. I also work in an industry that is overwhelmingly staffed by conservatives..
that said.. I do have a few liberal friends.. and I do have a few liberal co-workers... and a few more liberals I know fairly well that are part of my church group..
None of those that I choose to spend time around are evil in any way.. in fact, when it comes down to the center of any one issue, most of the time we're actually in complete agreement about what we want (safe streets, a better life for our children, a booming economy, etc..etc..).. we just disagree about the best path to take to get us there..
Im frankly thankful for the handful of reasonable/rational liberals I know... the world would be an incredibly boring place if everyone agreed on everything...
If we're talking rabid, pink haired, nose ringed, shaved head, pussy hat wearing, career activists... I dont have any time for those types (anymore than I have time for neo-nazi, skin head, combat boot wearing activist thugs)..
but your typical working class, had a job since he was 18, raising 2 kids, hangs out in the deer woods during the fall, beer drinking, democrat... Im happy to sit and chat with those types all day...