
now our brilliant secretary of transportation has announced that private drones are prohibited from flying over the hurricane relief area.. because they clog the airways and keep the govts aircraft from being able to fly in...


funny.. my buddy that is right in the heart of it all still hasnt seen a government aircraft since that lone OH58 flew over several days ago...

but what he has seen is the local farmers using agriculture drones that have 30-50 lb payloads flying to the houses that still cant be accessed due to roadways being down, etc.. delivering fresh water, food, etc.. trying to help each other out.. because the federal government still has yet to be seen in those areas..

I dont know why Im surprised.. the fed govt is a disaster.. why would anyone expect them to be able to properly manage a disaster?
Democrat hypocrisy has no limits
I can only assume Liz is preparing to jump ship since her political career in the GOP is over. Otherwise I can’t see why she’d get in bed with those who hated her father. I’d be surprised if she didn’t try to run as a “moderate” or blue dog Democrat somewhere in the next few years. Probably against a Republican and try and flip a district.
Have a feeling we may be hearing more stories like this.

Health Dept. not allowing people who lost everything to take a shower unless they wear flip flops.

FEMA trying to confiscate a pallet of chainsaws that most people in western NC can probably use better than the people FEMA would hand them out to.

FEMA trying to shut down a tent of ex military men who have been on the ground since the disaster providing first aid and insulin because they don't have a license.

now our brilliant secretary of transportation has announced that private drones are prohibited from flying over the hurricane relief area.. because they clog the airways and keep the govts aircraft from being able to fly in...


funny.. my buddy that is right in the heart of it all still hasnt seen a government aircraft since that lone OH58 flew over several days ago...

but what he has seen is the local farmers using agriculture drones that have 30-50 lb payloads flying to the houses that still cant be accessed due to roadways being down, etc.. delivering fresh water, food, etc.. trying to help each other out.. because the federal government still has yet to be seen in those areas..

I dont know why Im surprised.. the fed govt is a disaster.. why would anyone expect them to be able to properly manage a disaster?

Perhaps the administration doesn't want too much drone film footage getting out that the msm is forced to cover the devastation and lack of government response.
We’re discussing the brands of coffee REQUIRED for our lives when fellow taxpayers don’t have water because FEMA is broke and dysfunctional. Woe is we.
This reminds me of a CS Lewis quote on "living in the atomic age."

CS Lewis said:
"In one way we think a great deal too much of the atomic bomb. “How are we to live in an atomic age?” I am tempted to reply: “Why, as you would have lived in the sixteenth century when the plague visited London almost every year, or as you would have lived in a Viking age when raiders from Scandinavia might land and cut your throat any night; or indeed, as you are already living in an age of cancer, an age of syphilis, an age of paralysis, an age of air raids, an age of railway accidents, an age of motor accidents.

”In other words, do not let us begin by exaggerating the novelty of our situation. Believe me, dear sir or madam, you and all whom you love were already sentenced to death before the atomic bomb was invented: and quite a high percentage of us were going to die in unpleasant ways. We had, indeed, one very great advantage over our ancestors — anaesthetics; but we have that still. It is perfectly ridiculous to go about whimpering and drawing long faces because the scientists have added one more chance of painful and premature death to a world which already bristled with such chances and in which death itself was not a chance at all, but a certainty.

"This is the first point to be made: and the first action to be taken is to pull ourselves together. If we are all going to be destroyed by an atomic bomb, let that bomb when it comes find us doing sensible and human things praying, working, teaching, reading, listening to music, bathing the children, playing tennis, chatting to our friends over a pint and a game of darts—not huddled together like frightened sheep and thinking about bombs. They may break our bodies (a microbe can do that) but they need not dominate our minds."

Provide physical assistance if that is your wont, or money otherwise. But continue living and enjoying your life, including "chatting to our friends" on the interwebs.
This reminds me of a CS Lewis quote on "living in the atomic age."

Provide physical assistance if that is your wont, or money otherwise. But continue living and enjoying your life, including "chatting to our friends" on the interwebs.
That does help put things into perspective.
Now would be a good time for a bunch of east coast good 'ole boys to send FEMA packing.
I can only assume Liz is preparing to jump ship since her political career in the GOP is over. Otherwise I can’t see why she’d get in bed with those who hated her father. I’d be surprised if she didn’t try to run as a “moderate” or blue dog Democrat somewhere in the next few years. Probably against a Republican and try and flip a district.
Blue Dog Democrats seem to be nearing extinction in the current party
I know everyone believes they fully understand that foreign aid is a free grab bag for graft, but at least for the portion that is military aid (a very large slice), that is simply not true. I also do not believe it is true of State Department managed funds, but of that I do not have personal experience. I'll again point out that I was, as a Major General, the Chief of US Army Security Assistance (I am sorry if noting my experience again triggers the easily offended). In other words, I oversaw negotiation, award, and management of all US Army international security assistance programs. As I have pointed out repeatedly, a large measure of US military assistance is in kind. Combat platforms that we are no longer using. Two exceptions are Egypt and Israel which benefit from appropriations resulting from the peace accords following the Yom Kippur War.

In those cases and others, I also managed new military assistance programs where an authorization and appropriation was then competed for a procurement for the assisted nation. No money changes hands. The appropriation was handled just like any other procurement by the Army except the end item and accompanying maintenance and training packages went to the foreign source. There is no pile of lose cash to access.

I obviously worked very closely with my two counterparts in the Air Force and Navy. Each service has very strict auditing procedures, and then each service is further audited by DOD.

The strictness of US program management has historically meant that allies would buy or participate in the most critical programs with the US - for instance M1 Abrams, Bradley, and Paladin for Saudi Arabia - and less critical materiel from other countries with less strict accounting - Saudi Arabia's European truck fleet. The shared development and procurement of the F-16 and now F-35 are Air Force examples.

It is curious to me that so many feel compelled to believe there is some kickback scheme involved in international assistance.

What one does find internationally are bribery schemes where a foreign company bribes a foreign procurement decision maker to win a contract. Large American defense corporations watch for that very carefully, and any individual caught doing so is personally criminally liable. But that is rather different than the nonsense that American officials are somehow skimming millions from foreign aid.

The military is exceptional, and @Red Leg you're using an exceptional case of good governance and strict accountability.

May I give a different example? For some reason, like cockroaches, Pelosi, Biden, Romney, and several others have family members affiliated with Ukrainian corporations. Rather odd, considering Ukraine is a financially unremarkable country and would be the about nation 100 down the list of foreign countries where I would seek lucrative investments or board positions if it were me. Moving on to the tangible point: Biden would not release US aid to Ukraine until they removed a prosecutor that was chasing his son and his business partners. Next, the good ole USA instructed Ukraine to take their sovereign wealth that was given to them from the US taxpayer, and buy bitcoins with it. Which bitcoins? The ones at FTX run by Sam Bankman Fried. What did Sam Bankman Fried do with his money that he got from Ukraine that they got from the USA? He was the #1 funder of the Democrat party in the last election cycle.

Have a feeling we may be hearing more stories like this.

Health Dept. not allowing people who lost everything to take a shower unless they wear flip flops.

FEMA trying to confiscate a pallet of chainsaws that most people in western NC can probably use better than the people FEMA would hand them out to.

FEMA trying to shut down a tent of ex military men who have been on the ground since the disaster providing first aid and insulin because they don't have a license.

Don't you just love it when some good for nothing fed flunky gets put in their place? Way to go, SF guys!
We’re discussing the brands of coffee REQUIRED for our lives when fellow taxpayers don’t have water because FEMA is broke and dysfunctional. Woe is we.
ye are right but sad to say life goes on whether you talk toilet paper , coffee, Hunting ,guns ,politics, religion or, my prayers are with those in the hurricane, I would be there already helping but I haven't had a full nites rest since covid.
Blue Dog Democrats seem to be nearing extinction in the current party
True. They purged a lot of them a few years back. But there’s probably strategic value in dems using “conservative” democrats to try and turn some districts. I think the harder left tack they’ve taken recently hasn’t been as productive as they’d like and there’s certainly been some push back. I think they’ll reign it back a little, sacrifice some of the fringier progressives and at least play at being a little more centrist, for now.

Otherwise I don’t see a future for Liz other than book deals, and frankly, I don’t think she’s that interesting to most people.
The military is exceptional, and @Red Leg you're using an exceptional case of good governance and strict accountability.

May I give a different example? For some reason, like cockroaches, Pelosi, Biden, Romney, and several others have family members affiliated with Ukrainian corporations. Rather odd, considering Ukraine is a financially unremarkable country and would be the about nation 100 down the list of foreign countries where I would seek lucrative investments or board positions if it were me. Moving on to the tangible point: Biden would not release US aid to Ukraine until they removed a prosecutor that was chasing his son and his business partners. Next, the good ole USA instructed Ukraine to take their sovereign wealth that was given to them from the US taxpayer, and buy bitcoins with it. Which bitcoins? The ones at FTX run by Sam Bankman Fried. What did Sam Bankman Fried do with his money that he got from Ukraine that they got from the USA? He was the #1 funder of the Democrat party in the last election cycle.

I did not say there was no corruption. After all, Ukraine has a ways to go to reach Hungary's corruption level which is the lowest rated EU country. Though, if you would pursue the index I posted earlier, Ukraine is eleven points better than Turkey which is a member of NATO. :unsure: The point I was making is that defense expenditures in the form of foreign aid are extensively monitored.

Can the Army or DOD account for every round of ammunition or anti-tank missile sent to Ukraine? Absolutely not. Let me tell you a story about the US Army. In September of 1990 the 75th FA BDE was deployed to the northern Saudi border as part of Desert Shield. Yours truly deployed as the Brigade's operations officer. One of the battalions in the brigade was 6th BN 27th FA(MLRS) that I was scheduled to assume command of in the spring.

Once redeployed to the States we held the change of command, and I began the laborious 100% inventory of every item in the unit's property book. That included everything from the 27 launchers and over 100 wheel vehicles to every weapon, tool kit, NVG, radio, and a host of other items. Everything had come home from the war except one container which was lost in the supply chain somewhere - probably awaiting offload due to the strike right now. Based on what was missing (no weapons, munitions. comms, or NVGs) that container would have been beyond bursting at the seams. Eventually, the new commander, me, simply wrote those items off as combat loss.

That sort of thing happens in war, particularly when moving vast quantities of material from one continent to another. Is it possible a tool kit ended up in a Bedouin's Hilux when Corporal Schmidlap left his vehicle unattended to take a dump? Absolutely. But that is hardly graft and corruption. During a combat fire mission, does the total number of rounds fired sometimes not match the total submitted to the S4. Absolutely, particularly when moving and shooting where powder canisters or shell casings are left where they are discarded and can't be counted. Those sorts of numbers screw up audits, but they do not represent corruption. I frankly don't think they even rise to "sloppiness." Combat reality might be a better descriptor?

Like many, I do find Biden's actions with regard to the Ukrainian prosecutor suspect, but by all accounts, Ukraine's effort to end corruption was greatly helped by his removal.

The other side of Crypto in Ukraine is that it has been used as the primary source of donations which have funded much of the Ukrainian war effort funded by individual and organizational donations. I am not sure about State's role, but it was a donation mechanism quickly adopted by Ukraine following the invasion. They are easy to make and the Ukrainian government can quickly flip those into large scale purchases of things like commercial drones which Ukraine quickly modifies into weapons. Could an unscrupulous minister figure out a way to steal some of those donations? I am sure one could. But we might also poll the thousands of Russians who have been maimed and killed by these drones with respect to how effective those donations have been.

About Bankman, this is pretty good article from Forbes. Whether you accept their analysis or not, I always find it good to balance a lot of the outrage posted across the web - particularly if Tucker Carlson is running with it. I do not know the truth, but a balanced understanding of the allegations is worth having. Forbes is generally rated a little right of center.

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Interesting that Hungary is listed as the most corrupt nation. Doesn't Tucker Carlson have a man-crush on Victor Orban? Seems like when Tucker was still on Fox, he did a number of stories from Hungary that were quite complimentary towards the country and Orban.
FEMA showing up looks to be a detriment to rescue efforts. FEMA as it stands now is a joke and an embarrassment.

Good point.
You may have just landed on the reason they’re not in a hurry to move people out.

If they can keep the rural areas isolated, they’ve got it made.

You can bet the Democrats would be dropping voting boxes on every hilltop with pre-filled out ballots if they needed to
I was in Canton, NC last week Weds-Sat. Luckily got out Saturday over the mountains but unfortunately had to leave our friends we were staying with as four extra mouths to feed with no power and no cell service was not a hardship I would put on them.

Watching it unfold in person real time was harrowing. We lost cell service sometime in the night between Thursday and Friday so we were in the dark from outside information.

That said, the resolve of Western North Carolinians is something to behold. There was no shortage or UTV's racing down the mountain roads clearing trees, Kodiaks and Jon Boats pulling people to safety, and anyone able checking on their neighbors.

These people will make it to the ballot box in November.

However, Buncombe has a high democrat population that is not majority native Carolinian. With Asheville in shambles and the water supply quite literally 'gone', I would guess you'll see as few Democrat votes coming in as Republican.
Interesting that Hungary is listed as the most corrupt nation. Doesn't Tucker Carlson have a man-crush on Victor Orban? Seems like when Tucker was still on Fox, he did a number of stories from Hungary that were quite complimentary towards the country and Orban.

I spent some time in the EU for work a few occupations ago. I don't know all the elements of corruption that composite those scores, but back in my day the two most corrupt European countries were (are?) Bulgaria and Romania. Because they lacked anti-bribery, anti-money laundering, and foreign corrupt practices laws, they were outside the EU Shenghen zone. For those unfamiliar, the EU isn't really the happy club we're led to believe. There are the cool-kid countries, where your EU passport lets you roll right across boarders free as a bird from France to Germany, for example. Then there are the shady characters like Romania and Bulgaria that are the stepchildren with fewer rights and privileges due to their unscrupulous behaviors.

How bad was the corruption there? Pretty bad. I was never allowed to delve deep into the risks and fraud potentials of my operations there and the local management team was always able to get the CEO to support their assertion I go F' myself and stop nosing around. (nosing around was of course my job)

Anecdotally, EVERY and I do mean EVERY advertisement at the airports was for goods and services to prevent bribery, scams, graft, phishing, cybersecurity, kickbacks, etc, etc. Totally corrupt shitholes per the definition used by President Trump. Ironically, very beautiful places to visit that didn't give off that Soviet-Satellite vibe you'd expect from Eastern Europe. The people were pleasant, but very distrustful and not very gregarious due to a lot of years of Soviet influence. They were the polar opposite of my work in Central America that is equally corrupt, but the people are so damned affable and humorous you just want to like them, even if they are robbing the company.

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EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on MarcoPani's profile.
Happy Birthday, from Grahamstown, South Africa.
I hope your day is great!
EC HUNTING SAFARIS wrote on Ilkay Taskin's profile.
Happy Birthday from Grahamstown, South Africa! I hope you have a great day!
Cheers, Marius
idjeffp wrote on Jon R15's profile.
Hi Jon,
I saw your post for the .500 NE cases. Are these all brass or are they nickel plated? Hard for me to tell... sorry.
Jeff [redacted]
Boise, ID